rowid,date,page,column,title,description,source,page_url,trove_id 31918,1917-01-27,1,a,,Advertisement for the Eastern and Australian Steamship Co Ltd.,Tung Wah,,24095562 31919,1917-01-27,2,a,,"Advertisement for the On Chong & Company, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095565 31920,1917-01-27,3,a,,"Advertisement for the Mort's Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095564 31921,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for On Chong & Company, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31922,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for Lewis & Whitty, 158 Sussex Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31923,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for Hook On & Company, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31924,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for Schoffnung & Co, Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31925,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for Alliance Assurance Co Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31926,1917-01-27,5,a,,"Advertisement for Ford Adams & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095566 31941,1917-01-27,7,a,,Photograph of Chinese Vice-President Feng Guozhang and his brief biography.,Tung Wah,,24095568 31945,1917-01-27,8,a,,Photograph of Chinese Premier Duan Qirui.,Tung Wah,,24095571 31946,1917-01-27,8,a,,Governor of Zhili province Cao Kun issues a circular telegram fighting for China's sovereignty.,China,,24095571 31949,1917-01-27,9,a,,Photograph of Chinese naval commander Cheng Biguang.,Tung Wah,,24095570 31950,1917-01-27,9,a,,Editorial by the Tung Wah Times on the protection of popular morality and the industry.,Tung Wah,,24095570 31952,1917-01-27,10,a,,Photograph of Chinese foreign minister Wu Tingfang.,Tung Wah,,24095573 31954,1917-01-27,11,a,,"Photograph of Gao Erdeng, Li Yaohan, Li Liejun, Liang Qichao, Qin Chunxuan, Tan Haoming, Mo Rongxin, Jiang Fangzhen, Li Genyuan and Lin Hu.",Tung Wah,,24095572 31958,1917-01-27,12,a,,"Photographs of Tang Jiyao, military governor of Yunnan province, and the late Cai E, military governor of Sichuan province.",Tung Wah,,24095575 31959,1917-01-27,12,a,,Article written by Ding Yihua on the world peace in the future.,Tung Wah,,24095575 31963,1917-01-27,13,a,,"Photographs of Liu Xianshi, military governor of Guizhou province, and Lu Rongting, military governor of Guangdong.",Tung Wah,,24095574 31964,1917-01-27,13,a,,Ninth part of the diary written by Wu Guanyin on his service in the Chinese army.,Tung Wah,,24095574 31967,1917-01-27,14,a,,"Photographs of Long Jiguang, former military governor of Guangdong, and Mo Qingyu, military commander in Chaozhou and Meizhou area in Guangdong.",Tung Wah,,24095577 31968,1917-01-27,14,a,,Chinese Ministry of Finance issues regulations to award bank savings.,China,,24095577 31972,1917-01-27,15,a,,"Photographs of Ren Kecheng, governor of Yunnan province, and Liu Cunhou, military commander in Sichuan province.",Tung Wah,,24095576 31973,1917-01-27,15,a,,Chinese businessman Luo Yukai in Java invents astronomical instrument.,Tung Wah,,24095576 31976,1917-01-27,16,a,,"Photograph of the new king of Austria, his wife and family.",Tung Wah,,24095579 31977,1917-01-27,16,a,,A tour visit to the official palace in Beijing.,Tung Wah,,24095579 31981,1917-01-27,17,a,,"Advertisement for the Wing On & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095578 31982,1917-01-27,17,a,,"Advertisement for the Lee Sang & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095578 31983,1917-01-27,17,a,,"Advertisement for Tim Young & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095578 31984,1917-01-27,17,a,,"Advertisement for the Press Brothers, Sydney/",Tung Wah,,24095578 31987,1917-01-27,17,a,,Advertisement for Dr Williams pink pills for pale people.,Tung Wah,,24095578 31997,1917-01-27,18,a,,"Advertisement for Goon Lee Shing & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095581 31998,1917-01-27,18,a,,"Advertisement for Yuen Tiy Tong Kee, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095581 31999,1917-01-27,18,a,,"Advertisement for Kwong War Chong & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095581 32000,1917-01-27,18,a,,"Advertisement for G. Tong, Oriental Herbalist, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095581 32001,1917-01-27,18,a,,"Advertisement for Martell's Fine Old Brandy, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095581 32018,1917-01-27,19,a,,"Advertisement for Dr. Waugh's baking powder, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095580 32019,1917-01-27,19,a,,"Advertisement for R. E. Blackwell, merchant tailor, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095580 32020,1917-01-27,19,a,,"Advertisement for Tucker & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095580 32021,1917-01-27,19,a,,"Advertisement for Anthony Hordern & Sons Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095580 32022,1917-01-27,19,a,,"Advertisement for Harry Walters, Prince of Wales Hotel, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095580 32032,1917-01-27,20,a,,"Advertisement for Tattslotto, Tasmania.",Tung Wah,,24095583 32033,1917-01-27,20,a,,Advertisement for The Sun Company in Hong Kong.,Tung Wah,,24095583 32034,1917-01-27,20,a,,"Advertisement for Sandeman Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095583 32035,1917-01-27,20,a,,"Advertisement for R. Caston & Co, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095583 32036,1917-01-27,20,a,,"Advertisement for Thomas Hardy & Son, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095583 32044,1917-01-27,21,a,,"Photograph of Chen Jintao, Minister of Finance in China.",Tung Wah,,24095582 32045,1917-01-27,21,a,,Chronology of the December 1916 in China.,Tung Wah,,24095582 32055,1917-01-27,24,a,,"Photograph of the Huanghelou (Yellow Crane Pagoda) in Wuchang, Hubei province.",Tung Wah,,24095587 32059,1917-01-27,25,a,,"Advertisement for Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Japan Mail Steamship Line, and its managing agents for Australasia, Burns, Philp & Co Ltd, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24095586 32060,1917-01-27,26,a,,"Advertisement for Australian Oriental Line, G. S. Yuill & Co Ltd, Sydney, Australia to Hong Kong, via Queensland ports, Thursday Island, Port Darwin, and Manila.",Tung Wah,,24095561