rowid,date,page,column,title,description,source,page_url,trove_id 21202,1909-06-26,a,a-c,,Guangdong gentry write to governor general Zhang Renjun and special representative of Chinese government Gao Er'qian in regards to demarcation of Macao border and the dispute with Portuguese side.,Tung Wah,,26802227 21203,1909-06-26,2,c,,Tung Wah Column. China to redeem some territories and the cost. Foreign loans and railway construction in China.,Tung Wah,,26802230 21204,1909-06-26,2,c,,Prince Regent is determined to relax the control on political party organisations.,Tung Wah,,26802230 21206,1909-06-26,2,c,,Fund raising for the rebuilding of Chinese navy.,Tung Wah,,26802230 21207,1909-06-26,2,c-d,,Imperial edict on March 21 reappoints some officials who were removed from office in the past.,Tung Wah,,26802230 21208,1909-06-26,2,d,,News in brief. Russians seek to have pastureland in Heilongjiang and Jilin province. Jiang Chunlin impeaches Shanghai magistrate Cai Naihuang. Regulation under draft for foreign missionary work in China. Foreign loans in the construction of Guangzhou-Hankou and Chengdu-Hankou railway projects. Military students overseas are urged to return. British ambassador in China reprimands Chinese authorities for building equipment. Funds for naval rejuvenation. Dai Hongci and Zai Zhen are respectively going to Russia and Japan to thank them for their condolence on the death of Emperor Guangxu. ,Tung Wah,,26802230 21209,1909-06-26,2-3,d-a,,Beijing news. Relation between Prince Regent and Zhang Zhidong. Fujian officials propose for business prosperity. Shanghai magistrate Cai Naihuang under impeachment. Two Japanese teachers in Beijing have higher salaries than any others. Xu Shichang and Yang Shixiang in the court.,Tung Wah,,26802230 21210,1909-06-26,3,a,,"Correspondence from Vietnam reports the Chinese community there, the revolutionary activities, and responses of French authority.",Tung Wah,,26802229 21211,1909-06-26,3,a,,Correspondence from Macao claims that many Portuguese people are retreating from Macao.,Tung Wah,,26802229 21212,1909-06-26,3,a-b,,Base selection for Chinese navy and the plan of naval fleet.,Tung Wah,,26802229 21214,1909-06-26,3,c-d,,Guangdong news. Governor Zhang Renjun is determined to take over Xisha island in South China Sea. Plan for railway connection between Guangxi and Guangdong. Flooding in Huaiji county and the casualties. Flooding victims in Qingyuan and Beijiang River area. Agreement between Zhang Zhidong and British bank of the loans to Guangzhou-Hankou railway project. Gao Er'qian might be promoted to negotiating envoy of Guangdong. A girl in Panyu county is brought to trial for breaking off the engagement.,Tung Wah,,26802229 21218,1909-06-26,6,a-b,,"Second and final part of the restrictions imposed by New Zealand government upon Chinese immigrants in 1908, provided and translated by Chinese consul general Huang Rongliang.",Tung Wah,,26802234 21225,1909-06-26,6,c,,Chinese ministry of communications sets up a big steamship company.,Tung Wah,,26802234 21226,1909-06-26,7,a,,Tung Wah Times calls for donations to flood victims in Guangdong.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21227,1909-06-26,7,a,,"Gibbs & Bright Steamship Co gives banquet in honour of Liang Lanxun, first Chinese consul general in Australia, on his visit to Sydney.",Tung Wah,,26802233 21228,1909-06-26,7,b,,"Chinese community in Brisbane welcomes Liang Lanxun, first Chinese consul general in Australia.",Tung Wah,,26802233 21229,1909-06-26,7,b,,"Chinese girl Lian Heng, 18, suicides by hanging herself in Sydney.",Tung Wah,,26802233 21230,1909-06-26,7,b,,Several Chinese in Sydney are penalised for opium smoking or smuggling.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21231,1909-06-26,7,b,,"A jewellery shop on Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, is burgled.",Tung Wah,,26802233 21232,1909-06-26,7,b,,"Chinese carpenter in Perth Li Hui is severely penalised for avoiding to use such seal as ""Made by Asian"".",Tung Wah,,26802233 21233,1909-06-26,7,b-c,,Chinese community in Sydney donates to flood victims in Guangdong. Names listed.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21234,1909-06-26,7,c,,"Beijing news. Prince regent distrusts Zhang Zhidong. Zhang Zhidong in the imperial court, his attitude towards foreign negotiation and others. China sends another student supervisor to Europe. Security in the Summer Palace.",Tung Wah,,26802233 21235,1909-06-26,7,c,,Donations to the Lin Yik Tong. Names listed.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21236,1909-06-26,7,d,,Tung Wah Times thanks readers who have paid their subscription fee. Names listed.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21237,1909-06-26,7,d,,Timetable of ocean liners.,Tung Wah,,26802233 21238,1909-06-26,8,a-c,,Miscellaneous report on preparation and establishment of a university in Hong Kong.,Tung Wah,,26802236 21239,1909-06-26,8,c,,"British writer on Macao (territory, household, city wall), part II.",Tung Wah,,26802236 21240,1909-06-26,8,d,,Vietnamese authority imposes new and stricter restriction upon Chinese immigrants.,Tung Wah,,26802236