rowid,date,page,column,title,description,source,page_url,trove_id 24687,1911-07-08,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Portuguese intends to extend its board in Macao. A new building for the governor. A large of ammunition are confiscated. Four revolutionaries are caught. The water level is increasing in two rivers. An earthquake happened. Fights happened between two gangs.,Other...,,24091834 24712,1911-07-15,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Governor intends to borrow more foreign loans. Governor held meetings about Macao. Use a revolutionary as spy. Governor appeals for reduction of tax. Two officials return to Guangdong. Twenty students were kidnapped. About 20 people who advocate pigtail cutting from Japan are to be in Guangdong soon. ,Other...,,24091842 24738,1911-07-22,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"Governor Zhang appeals for payment for railways shares. Governor Zhang asks for resign. A new governor's house is to be built. Huang Xing and others fled to Vietnam. Riots in Fushan, Guangdong. Two woman work as spies for the revolutionary. Spies are sent to Macao. ",Other...,,24091850 24768,1911-07-29,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Governor's office collects opinions about the nationalisation of railways. Governor takes action against drugs. A new plan of districts for Guangdong. Border issue with Macao. Religious fights. Two woman spies' romance. Governor sends someone to Shangdong to learn about new administration there.,Other...,,24091858 24859,1911-08-19,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Recent activities of revolutionaries. Governor asks for Fengshui for his new office building. Government office building is to move soon. The Guangzhou-Kowloon railway is to be finished soon. Two law graduates from British universities return to China. Leechee production in Guangdong. ,Other...,,24091882 24897,1911-08-26,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"Governor considers to borrow 5 million from City Bank. New railways to link Guangdong and Guangxi. The new governor's building. Former Guangdong governor might be reappointed. A Confucian school opened in Xiangshan, Guangdong. Macao money is smuggled into mainland. The case of Tianmin Bao (Tianmin Newspaper) closed. ",Other...,,24091890 25000,1911-09-16,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"New general for Guangdong. Governor concerns about the flood in Gaoyao, Guangdong. Flood in Gaoming, Guangdong. Proposal for ban of gambling in Macao. Nine criminals are on run. ",Other...,,24091920 25034,1911-09-23,3,c-d,Guangdong news,The issue of gangsters. Revolutionary activities in Guangdong. The expenses of spies in Hong Kong. The cost of governor's office. Number of police in Guangdong. Gangsters and robberies in Gangming and Qingxiang counties. ,Other...,,24091929 25068,1911-09-30,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"A good army general in Guangdong. Governor entertains airboat maker Feng Ru. Several graduates from American universities return to China. Funds for floods in Sanshui county, Guangdong. The organisation of the assassin party. Shunde, Guangdong becomes a base of thieves. An immoral woman poisoned her husband.",Other...,,24091937 25103,1911-10-07,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"A new stop for Guangdong-Wuhan railway. The case of Huayang. Temporary replacement of navy chief. Shops are added steel bars for security in Zhimendi, Guangdong. Governor concerns about the issue of gangsters. Smoking Ban Association celebrates its fourth anniversary. A revolutionary is expelled from Vietnam for his speech on revolution. ",Other...,,24091946 25199,1911-10-28,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Members of railway protection society suggest to support people on the railway issue. Budget cut for each department. China's hard-time negotiation with Portugal over Macao. Two battalions sent to Sichuan. Fights between two villages. Revolutionary pigtail cutters arrested. Staff from Zhongyuan Newspaper questioned. ,Other...,,24091975 25228,1911-11-04,3,c-d,Guangdong news,China-Portugal negotiation over Macao is still under way. Reform in communication and transport department. China's fishing right in Xijiang (west river). Fares for Guangzhou-Kowloon railway. Governor intends to send a secret message to government about crisis resulted from railway issue in Sichuan. Air boat inventor Feng Ru is to return to America. Number of voters in Xinhui County.,Other...,,24091984 25321,1911-11-25,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Governor orders to stop collecting taxation from people. Governor asks for postpone of implementing the new administration. Foreign warships arrive one after another in Guangdong. The advisory committee states it did not receive a message from Hubei. The autumn military exercise is postponed. Sichuan army asks for its soldiers in Guangdong back to Sichuan due to increasing revolutionary riots there. ,Other...,,24092009 25357,1911-12-02,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Number of new troops in Guangdong. Financial chief investigates all previous accounts of the provincial government. A new ordnance factory is ready for inspection. Two new army leaders appointed to lead Guangdong army. A woman cheats for money. Shantang Yuan issues a public notice for protection of Man people. ,Other...,,24092018 25395,1911-12-09,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Various organisations ask for union. Governor rewards new army for their efforts to protect Guangdong. Army general asks for calm and do not believe any rumour about revolution. Banks are busy with answering people's demands for more security boxes. Hong Kong is to be over populated with more and more people fleeing there from Guangdong. Revolutionary assassin of General Feng dies due to serious wound.,Other...,,24092026 25427,1911-12-16,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Governor comforts and compensates bereaved families whose members died during bombing of General Feng's death. People are moving out of Guangdong due to revolutionary riots. Revolutionaries active in Jiujiang. Several families in Jiujiang killed by revolutionary gangsters. More than 80 prisoners released in Nanhai County. Guangdong reformists are to be released. ,Other...,,24092034 25535,1912-01-06,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Self-claimed revolutionaries force people to give donations. Conflicts between government troops and revolutionary troops in in Foshan. Guangdong people concern about republic government's new tax. New appointments for people's militia. New appointments for government army in Guangdong. New appointments for government army assistants in Guangdong. ,Other...,,24092058 25572,1912-01-13,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"Republic military government concerns education, urging to investigate problems in education. Law graduates finishes three books about republic, election and constitution. A government official is robbed in Huazhou. Wang Jingwei is to return to Guangdong after released from prison. Some in Zhaocheng force people to cut pigtails. Bijiangkou asks for military help as gangsters active there. Lianzhou asks for military help as gangsters active there. Beihai urges military help as increasing riots there. ",Other...,,24092066 25719,1912-02-10,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Wang Jingwei asks resign from governorship again. Issue of two county mayors in Gaoyao. Party factions in Xinxing county. Two German missionaries robbed but compensated for their loss. Guo Renzhang is to lead his troops to join the North Expeditionary Army. Shi Jingquan is asked to lead his troops to join the North Expeditionary Army. Proposal for change to use western calendar. ,Other...,,24092098 25877,1912-03-16,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Various organisations recommend Sun Mei as Guangdong governor. Drug smoking ban bureau still no pratical ways to stop drug smoking. Zhaoqing county security committee set up. Guangdong and Guangxi jointly control Xijiang River. Missionary shot down by gangsters. Blood appeal for overthrow of Qing government. ,Other...,,24092164 26015,1912-04-13,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Confucianism popular in Guangdong. Wang Jingwei elcted candidate for Guangdong governor. Soldiers executed for rape. Xijiang River dredged for business. Government troops open fire with local militaries who do not surrender weapons they bought themselves. Foreign businessmen concern conflict between government troops and local militaries. Rice price drops as more rice arrives. Governor Chen Jiongming issues public notice about conflict between government troops and local militaries and asks for calm. ,Other...,,24092199 26042,1912-04-20,3,c-d,Guangdong news,"Factional fight over governorship. Government receives order from Nanjing army headquarter to crack down private collection of donations. Wen Shengcai's temple attracts many prayers for prosperity. Government official Li Zhun's property in Guangdong. Robbers active in Guangdong. New anti-gangsters organisation set up. Only man has vote right. A bustling business district robbed by gangsters, several killed. ",Other...,,24092207 26073,1912-04-27,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Guangdong government discusses haddling of soldier rebels' aftermath. Foreigners in Guangdong have meeting about how to cope with chaos development in Guangdong. Nanjing garrison commander said to be appointed governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Huang Xing said to come to Guangdong. Guangdong-Wuhan railway is to start construction soon. Soldier is robbed on street. Gangsters active in Deqing county. ,Other...,,24092215 26295,1912-06-15,3,c-d,Guangdong news,Governor's plans for military and finance. Sun Zhongshan intends to develop industry and commerce to solve Guangdong's social problems. Sun Zhongshan appreciates governor Hu. Tax office asks each household to have a number. Rich man donates $5000 as he was saved by republic soldiers from robbers. Governor orders to crack down gangsters. Temples in Luofushan frequently robbed. Religion should be protected. Wang Jingwei said to be concerned with education. ,Other...,,24092271