rowid,date,page,column,title,description,source,page_url,trove_id 24528,1911-05-13,7,a-b,Australia news,Many Europeans immigate to Australia. The plan of West Australia to trade pearls. Censor of Tasmania. International Race Conference is to hold in London. A Brasil ship wrecked by tornado. Comment by General Panley on the ambition of Japan. Federal investigation on immigrants. Donations to hospitals. Huang Zicheng is appointed to be Australia embassdor. Price of haircut is to rise in Sydney.,Australia,,24091773 24809,1911-08-05,7,a,Australia news,"Investigation statistics of New South Wales institutes. Fi She (nnn), Australian premier wants Australia to be independant. More opium smuggles are exposed. Ya Chang, a Chinese merchant, is robbed in Sydney. More Chinese were attacked in Sydney. Proposal of land nationalisation cause debates in parliament. Intensified strike in Tasmania. New commonwealth governor is to take office. A Chinese woman is to be expelled. Attacks on Chinese occurred in Sydney.",Australia,,24091870 24838,1911-08-12,7,a-b,Australia news,"Chinese woman is unreasonably forbidden to immigrate to Australia, Chinese man was beaten in Sydney. Australian man tells his experience in Japan. Chinese in Melbourne have short memory of shame. Current census in West Australia, An European was found selling opium. An European divorced his wife for a new woman. The highest man Pat O'Connor is arriving in Sydney.",Australia,,24091878 24939,1911-09-02,7,a-b,Australia news,Statistics of Melbourne prison. Census of Po Da Yun (PPP). More immigrants come to Queensland. Situation of aborigines in west Australia. A Chinese commits suicide. Arrangement of 3 Chinese properties. A Chinese is found smuggling opium. Chinese seamen fought each other. Strike in Lismone Iron plant. Counsel Huang notify Chinese carpenters to obey common regulations. ,Australia,,24091902 25147,1911-10-14,7,a,Australia news,Australian businessman is well treated in Japan. Labour Party of south Australia wins its parliament majority. Chief of British opium ban association comes to Australia. Newcastle's coal export in September. Federal Foreign Minister passed away. Labour power increases and leads to loss of both labour and capital. A Chinese shop in Melbourne is found doing gambling business. Memorising Confucius birthday in Sydney.,Australia,,24091961 25173,1911-10-21,7,a-b,Australia news,Pan Yunkong answers Business Protection Association. Japanese bankers are coming to visit Australia. Trade unions are getting more powerful. Newcastle shipwreck killed 15 seamen. A fire in a Melbourne company resulted in heavy loss. A navy institute is to set up in Sydney. People in Sydney oppose exhibition conference. Test results of Sydney China's Primary School. Memorising Confucius' birthday in Sydney. False wines were found in Victoria.,Australia,,24091970 25274,1911-11-11,7,a-b,Australia news,British government admits Portugal a democratic country. New South Wales welcomes European immigrants. Statistics of New South Wales's government debt. Income of railways in New South Wales. A Chinese woman shot a Chinese man. An European is murdered in Sydney. Begg's Whisky is popular. Tangye Oil Engine is advised to Chinese.,Australia,,24091996 25298,1911-11-18,7,a-b,Australia news,"Two Australian warships are ordered to go to China to protect British people. Governor of New South Wales returns from abroad. Census of Sydney. A Japanese army official went to explore the South Pole. A Japanese training warship visits Australia. Two women were attacked in Mo Shi Wen(ppp). Teachers in New South Wales demand for pay rise. Chen Wu, a Chinese seaman was beaten by their European colleagues.",Australia,,24092005 25474,1911-12-23,7,a-b,Australia news,Number of immigrants to various places in Australia for next year. A Melbourne youngster lost a leg in accident but got a generous compensation. Colourful celebration for anniversary of Sydney Hospital. It snows in some places in Melbourne in summer. Coal miners strike due to disagreement with the management.,Australia,,24092046 25509,1911-12-30,7,a-b,Australia news,Federal government is to grant fund for officials to inspect different places. Statistics of foreign trade in New South Wales. Perth may nationalise its trams. Governors of six states meets to discuss politics. Black boxers are fighting in Sydney. Statistics of income of Victoria railways.,Australia,,24092054 25620,1912-01-20,7,a-b,Australia news,A Victoria senator returning from China says that China is gradually westernised and Australia trade in China is to increase. Statistics of immigrants to Australia over last year. A coal mine accident in New South Wales killed six miners. Two Japanese warships visit Sydney. Statistics of coal output in Newcastle. Xia Tingxiang is returning to China from New Zealand. The case of 16 Chinese seamen riot ends up with the Chinese seamen laid off. ,Australia,,24092078 25660,1912-01-27,7,a-b,Australia news,"Australia exports develop over last year, statistics listed. An European youngster killed Xian Jiang and was arrested. Federal government notifies all states to watch on African ships, preventing plague enterig. Australia is to have Chinese overseas students. A number of German people immigrate to Brisbane. Japanese is to expand shipping business in Australia. ",Australia,,24092086 25691,1912-02-03,7,a-b,Australia news,"Final examination result of Sydney China's primary school. Construction workers in West Australia propose a shorter working hour. Statistics of income of the railways and buses in New South Wales. The European youngster who killed Xiang Jiang,a Chinese, was brought in a verdict of mistaken killing. Haircut price is to be up in Sydney. An Australian proposes ban on marriage between white women and Chinese men. Workers in Brisbane strike for protecting their working rights. A 19-year old European man was sentenced to death for murdering another European man. China's Red Cross calling on donations for the Republic of China.",Australia,,24092094 25765,1912-02-17,7,a-b ,Australia news,Guangdong Railways Company notifies the election of board directors. Strike in Brisbane is still on and government sent heavy police force to stop it. A Chinese named Li Guandi died of accidence. A theft occurs in a ship at Sydney port.,Australia,,24092110 25851,1912-03-09,7,a-b,Australia news,"Tan Tingyue wants to purchase Australian horses for Hunan troops. Tang Fachen, chief editor of this paper, returns to China for helping the revolutionary government. Chinese in Queensland fought over disputes of the Constitution Political Association, leading to many injuries. A huge downpour has made Sydney an ocean. An European was killed by trim in Sydney. Strikes in Brisbane are over. A fire in a Melbourne company resulted in huge casualties. A younster raped a 94-year old woman in Sydney. The Chinese womanYa Kui was convicted innocent in shooting Chinese man Pi Da Qiao.Overseas Chinese in Sydney celebrate the founding of the Republic of China. Ge Fi Lou(nnn) company's business is improving. Shen Dunhe of Shanghai Red Cross thanks to donators in Australia. Hong Kong Tung Wah Hospital thanks for donations.",Australia,,24092160 25917,1912-03-23,7,a-b,Australia news,"Overseas Chinese in all around Australia have been competing to donate for the revolutionary army and government since last winter. Over 20, 000 teenagers above 14 years old in Australia did not enroll in the government censor due to various reasons. A Chinese named Ya Yie in Melbourne died of an accident injury due to his refusal of being treated in hospital. Two Europeans charged Xiao Guang, a Chinese businessman inTownsville with alleged crime of injuring them by sword. A new bank in Melbourne was stolen at night. An European woman was injured by trim in Sydney. Wall Company in Sydney notifies Chinese that a new ship is now available for transporting between China, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia.",Australia,,24092177 25953,1912-03-30,7,a-b,Australia news,"General counsellor Huang in Melbourne reduces official expenses and changes to use solar calendar as informed by Beijing government. A lady named Xian Huaili in Mi Shi Da Dun (ppp) charged her brother due to his damaging her reputation. An European girl in Sydney committed suicide after a quarrel with her boyfriend. Three Chinese were arrested in Perth for illegal immigration. The European youngster who killed a Chinese Xian Qiang was convicted with murder, but legal doctor proved that Xian Qiang was killed by accident. An European gentleman from Queensland stood out as witness for the case of Xian Qiang's murder, exposing reality of the crime. Eight Chinese in Sydney were arrested for gambling. Statistics show that industries and businesses in New South Wales are increasing rapidly over last ten years. ",Australia,,24092186 25985,1912-04-06,7,c,Australia news,"Counsellor Huang in Melbourne asks a Chinese for the reason of donating his money for two purposes. Zhou Lanchu, counseller in New Zealand return to China for holidays. Statistics of Australian paper money in different values. A children army of 18,000 people took exercise in a place of New South Wales where the premier inspected. Australian government is to make new stamps to replace British ones. The criminal who killed Xiang Qiang was convicted for 5-year jail. Two men were arrested inTasmania for stealing postages in Melbourne train. ",6/04/1912,,24092195 26104,1912-05-04,7,a-b,Australia news,"Counsellor Huang Yunliang asked Australian Premier for the reasons for strictly forbidding Chinese labourers, businessmen and students to Australia and the premier replied accordingly. Melbourne Military Fund Donation Bueau notifies that Hu Hanming has taken office of Guangdong government. Australian black people is to extinct according to the statistics. Thieves in Sydney who are riding motor vehicles to steal a woman's house. A Melbourne woman was arrested for offences for 109 times.",Australia,,24092227 26193,1912-05-25,7,a-b,Australia news,"Qun Ho Nau (nnn), previous chief commander of British navy, is to be chief commander of Australian navy. The warehouse of Sydney Station are stolen repeatedly these days. A few illegal Chinese immigrants were found in a ship from Hongkong in Sydney. A few gamblers of different nationalities were fined heavily in Perth. An European youngster committed suicide in Sydney strait. An European woman's wallet was stolen in a bar in Sydney. More thefts are reported in Sydney trains.",Australia,,24092251