37221,1921-07-02,4,a,,"Advertisement for Holdsworth Mastperson & Co, 252 George Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37222,1921-07-02,4,a,,"Advertisement for Dockson & Co, 28a Campbell Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37223,1921-07-02,4,a,,Advertisement for Chinese doctor Lei Weichang in Melbourne.,Tung Wah,,24093599
37224,1921-07-02,4,a,,"Advertisement for Tiy Lee & Co, Fruit Merchants, 32 Hay Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37225,1921-07-02,4,a,,"Advertisement for Chong Bing Kee, 20 Foster Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37226,1921-07-02,4,a,,"Advertisement for Messrs. Anderson & Co Ltd, Seedsmen, 399-401 George Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37227,1921-07-02,4,b,,"Advertisement for Walter Sue Lett, Chinese dentist, Hay Street, Hay Market, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37228,1921-07-02,4,b,,"Advertisement for S. Hoffnung & Co Ltd, Merchants, Pitt Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37229,1921-07-02,4,b,,"Advertisement for Kwong War Chong & Co, Storekeepers, 84 Dixon Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37230,1921-07-02,4,b,,"Advertisement for War Hing & Co, 93-99 Harbour Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37231,1921-07-02,4,b,,Advertisement for L. & P. Sauce.,Tung Wah,,24093599
37232,1921-07-02,4,b,,"Advertisement for Wing Tiy & Co, Fruit Merchants and Commission Agents, 94 Hay Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37233,1921-07-02,4,c,,"Advertisement for Hop Chong Co, General Merchants, Produce & Commission Agents, 100 Hay Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37234,1921-07-02,4,c,,"Advertisement for War Loong & Co, Produce Merchants, 98 Hay Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37235,1921-07-02,4,c,,"Advertisement for War Lee & Co Ltd, Fruit and Produce Merchants, Auctioneers and Commission Agents, Sections 17-18, Municipal Market, Roma Street, Brisbane.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37236,1921-07-02,4,c,,"Advertisement for Lee Sang & Co, Produce Merchants, Importers & Exporters, Corner of Hay and Harbour Streets, New Municipal Market, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37237,1921-07-02,4,c,,"Advertisement for Goon Lee Shing & Co, General Merchants, 37 Dixon Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37238,1921-07-02,4,c,,"A notice issued by Gong Yi Tang (Goon Yee Tong), an association of Dongguan natives in Sydney, on the transportation of remains of their deceased fellows back to China. People to contact are Yuen Tiy Tong Kee & Co, 54 Campbell Street, Sydney; Lee Sang & Co, 90 Hay Street, Sydney; King Young, Dixon Street, Sydney; and Chung Lun, Gloucester Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37239,1921-07-02,4,d,,"Advertisement for King Young, Dixon Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37240,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for Yuen Tiy Tong Kee, 54 Campbell Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37241,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for Harry Walters, Prince of Wales Hotel, Haymarket, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37242,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for Alliance Assurance Co Ltd, Fire, Marine and Accident, 97 Pitt Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37243,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for John Hoe, Cabinet Maker and Furniture Manufacturer, James Street, Waterloo, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37244,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for Kwong Wing Chong, 307 Castlereagh Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37245,1921-07-02,4,e,,"Advertisement for W. Mow Sang & Co, Fruit and Vegetable Warehouse and Commission Agents, Ultimo Road, Haymarket, Sydney. ",Tung Wah,,24093599
37246,1921-07-02,4,f,,Advertisement for Arnott's Biscuits.,Tung Wah,,24093599
37247,1921-07-02,4,f,,"Advertisement for G. Tong, Oriental Herbalist, Treats all internal and external diseases of both males and females, Consultation free, 305a Castlereagh Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37248,1921-07-02,4,f,,Advertisement for Peter Dawson's Whisky.,Tung Wah,,24093599
37249,1921-07-02,4,f,,"Advertisement for Lum See Jam, 46 Campbell Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599
37250,1921-07-02,4,f,,"Advertisement for Ping On Chang & Co, 21 Dixon Street, Sydney.",Tung Wah,,24093599