2648,1899-06-03,3,a,,A poisonous and dangerous dragon returns to a mountain in Xinhui county.,,,24102419
2649,1899-06-03,3,a,,Four men were crushed to death by broken pond near Adelaide.,,,24102419
2650,1899-06-03,3,a,,Norway plans to build gunboats.,,,24102419
2651,1899-06-03,3,a,,A long lawsuit in South Africa.,,,24102419
2652,1899-06-03,3,a,,A big fire in New South Wales.,,,24102419
2653,1899-06-03,3,b,,A fire in Russia claims several lives.,,,24102419
2654,1899-06-03,3,b,,A fire in New York destroys nearly 200 shops.,,,24102419
2655,1899-06-03,3,b,,An international conference of trade unions of miners was held in Brussels. They argue for an eight-hour's working plan.,,,24102419
2656,1899-06-03,3,b,,"War in Luzon, US involvement. New developments in the war in the Philippines.",,,24102419
2657,1899-06-03,3,b,,A woman in Perth prepares a birthday present for the Queen.,,,24102419
2658,1899-06-03,3,b,,New Castle hospital became crowed as more patients admitted.,,,24102419
2659,1899-06-03,3,b-c,,Tea from Fujian province is now on sale.,,,24102419
2660,1899-06-03,3,c,,"Textile workers in Austria cease working, strike for more pay.",,,24102419
2661,1899-06-03,3,c,,Muslims in Turkey are following order of the government and moving.,,,24102419
2662,1899-06-03,3,c,,Gold price in London.,,,24102419
2663,1899-06-03,3,c,,"A Chinese man, Li Qian, was arrested in Sydney for tax evasion and sentenced to two years' imprisonment.",,,24102419
2664,1899-06-03,3,d,,Recent robbery case in Zengcheng.,,,24102419
2665,1899-06-03,3,e,,"Liu Kunyi, Governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, is sick.",,,24102419
2666,1899-06-03,3,e,,The  story of a man's love for a prostitute.,,,24102419
2667,1899-06-03,3,e,,"Story of a widow in Chaozhou who remarries, and her two children.",,,24102419
2668,1899-06-03,3,e,,Chinese government prepares to open its ports from Nanjing to Yueyang of Hunan province to allow foreign businesses to enter.,,,24102419
2669,1899-06-03,3,e,,A fun book for kids in France.,,,24102419
2670,1899-06-03,3,e-f,,Yao Bingran has lost his position after inspecting education standards in Shandong.,,,24102419
2671,1899-06-03,3,f,,Zhang Yinyuan in exile.,,,24102419
2672,1899-06-03,3,f,,Champion athletes from around the world.,,,24102419
2673,1899-06-03,3,f,,A man in Melbourne dies when hit by a train.,,,24102419
2674,1899-06-03,3,f,,A Luzon man in exile feels ashamed to return to the Philippines.,,,24102419