{"rowid": 27196, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Greek king shot dead by gangster. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27197, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "American Bank cancels loans to China due to American government's disapproval. America discusses recognition of Republic China. ", "source": "America", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27198, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Former Korean duke jailed for six years for intention of assassinating Japanese governor to Korea. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27199, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Former education minister wrongly shot dead in Shanghai. ", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27200, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Reports on East Asian war. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27201, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Huge expenses on alcohol in Britain. ", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27202, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "Beijing news/ President Yuan holds big banquet for foreign diplomats in Beijing. Internal Affairs Ministry decides compromise use of western and Chinese calendars. Education Ministry holds meeting for uniform Chinese pronunciation. Shanxi observer Zhang Shixiu and army commander Li Mingfeng escorted to Beijing for setting up a separatist regime. Sun Yat-sen expresses views on several matters. Special envy to Mongolia's seal stolen. Tan Renfeng and Wang Changguo's recent activities. French consul to Hankou tells French ambassador to China not to recognise Republic China. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27203, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "3", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong news/ Governor Hu invites Tang Shaoyi to take senate position. Provincial government staff members elected. Nanjing Women University president fights for women's equal education right. Mine are asked to use China-made machineries. Navy department plans to send envoy to Guangdong for reconstructing Guangdong navy. Thief sentenced to death. Xiangshan lawyer is charged. Deqing county's murder case solved. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092624", "trove_id": "24092624"} {"rowid": 27188, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Sydney Nationalist Association's notice about change of its name and mission.", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27189, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Liang Qichao's article on national financial policies. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27190, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "Comments on Jingdong Newspaper's attack on Chiense consul general to Australia. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27191, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "President Yuan's orders about provincial government and parliament. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27192, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "President Yuan's telegram to all provincial governors about some provinces' intention of independence. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27193, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Four governors accuse any intention of provincial independence from Republic China. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27194, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Internal Affairs Ministry inquires about corruption in Hunan election. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27195, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "2", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Mongolia signs treaty with Tibet. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092625", "trove_id": "24092625"} {"rowid": 27207, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "7", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Australian news/ Chinese consul general's financial report. Case of Chinese consul general's gun wound by former consulate's interpreter brought to court. Killer of two Chinese arrested in Sydney. Chinese using false birth certificate jailed. Sydney ferry workers on strike for 48 working hours per week. Brief introduction to Chinese consul to New Zealand. Chinese fined for illegal sale of alcohol. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092628", "trove_id": "24092628"} {"rowid": 27204, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "6", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "N.S.W. Chinese Chamber of Commerce's notice about recruitment of new memberships. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092629", "trove_id": "24092629"} {"rowid": 27205, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "6", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Comments on Germany's troop increase in Shangdong province. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092629", "trove_id": "24092629"} {"rowid": 27206, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "6", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Five key figures of Republic China. Constitution not yet decided whether vice president position kept or not. Senate members elected by overseas Chinese. Members of Constitution Committee. China's foreign loans blocked due to dispute among foreign lenders. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092629", "trove_id": "24092629"} {"rowid": 27208, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Comments on Confucianism. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27209, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "Sun Yat-sen's views on move of Republic China's capital. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27210, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Financial Ministry's official to Guangdong prefers to keep Guangdong paper money. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27211, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Xiangshan county's police bureau attacked by gangsters. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27212, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Corruption in Guangdong election of senate members. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27213, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Fujian gangster organisation intends to destroy provincial government. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"} {"rowid": 27214, "date": "1913-03-29", "page": "8", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Government special envoy to Inner Mongolia and Mongolia returns to Beijing and reports situations there. ", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092631", "trove_id": "24092631"}