{"rowid": 28413, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "The Times in London claims that China may have similar fate with Vietnam and Korea.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28414, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Turkish government reforms its army system.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28415, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Zhang Xun leaves Nanjing.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28416, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Japan borrows money from France for industrial development.", "source": "Japan", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28417, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "British Prime Minister Herbert Henry Asquith to visit Paris.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28418, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Zhang Xun runs away from Nanjing.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28419, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Chinese government to rejuvenate its shipping industry.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28420, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Prince of Germany leaves the army and his farewell speech.", "source": "Germany", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28421, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Labour movement in Johannesburg, South Africa.", "source": "Africa", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28422, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "President of Mexico on the current chaos in his country.", "source": "America", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28423, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "Beijing news/ Wang Xifan writes to President Yuan Shikai and suggests to set up a university in Qufu, hometown of Confucius in Shandong province. Gentry Ling Binglian in Henan province donates to the training of local civil corps (tuan lian). China to set up bank in European countries. Zhang Qian promotes industrial associations. Rebels overseas like Huang Xing, Sun Yatsen, Li Liejun and Lin Hu. Secret societies found in Shanghai.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28424, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "3", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong news/ Preparation for implementation of stamp duty. Representatives of the Confucian Promotion Society from Guangzhou to visit Macao. Zhao Dingguo is appointed to wipe out bandits from Xiangshan county. Three women in Guangzhou cut their hair for freedom. Production of the mint in Guangzhou. Deng Yaoguang reports the problem of fake bank notes in Guangzhou market. Long Jiguang sends security guards for Kang Youwei. Legislature assembly in Dongguan county to be dissolved. A baby born in Wenchang county has red hair. Teratism baby in the Guangzhou museum of human beings.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092960", "trove_id": "24092960"} {"rowid": 28409, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "2", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "Third part of the major policies adopted by new Chinese cabinet under Xiong Xiling.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092961", "trove_id": "24092961"} {"rowid": 28410, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Chinese President Yuan Shikai comments on the national parliament.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092961", "trove_id": "24092961"} {"rowid": 28411, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "2", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Current financial situations in China and proposals to solve the difficulties.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092961", "trove_id": "24092961"} {"rowid": 28412, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "2-3", "column": "d-a", "title": "", "description": "Tenth part of the draft constitution of the Republic of China, proposed by Liang Qichao.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092961", "trove_id": "24092961"} {"rowid": 28429, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New South Wales urges all Chinese businessmen to register their company names following requirement of Chinese authority in Beijing.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092964", "trove_id": "24092964"} {"rowid": 28430, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "A notice issued by the Chines Chamber of Commerce to elect its directors, committee members and other positions.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092964", "trove_id": "24092964"} {"rowid": 28431, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "7", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "Australia news/ Chinese Consul-General in Canada Lu Bingtian will not come to Australia. Australian Federal Treasurer reports amount of bank notes issued. Casualties of the tram accidents in Sydney. A snake found on Ultimo Road, Sydney. A Chinese man, who leaves New South Wales eight years ago and has been residing in China ever since, is barred from reentry at Sydney customs because he failed in the dictation test. A Chinese man in Sydney is arrested for opium smuggling and the trial. A Chinese man in Sydney is brought to trial for wilful injury. Chinese businessman in Sydney Gao Qi is robbed at night. Trial in Sydney of a white man for shooting at a policeman. ", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092964", "trove_id": "24092964"} {"rowid": 28432, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "7", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Shi Zejing and Ren Xifen write to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Sydney and call for donations to the Red Cross in China in order to heal the wounded in the war, and a reply from the Chamber of Commerce.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092964", "trove_id": "24092964"} {"rowid": 28433, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "7", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Tung Wah Times thanks readers who have paid their subscription fee. Names listed.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092964", "trove_id": "24092964"} {"rowid": 28425, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "6", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Miscellaneous report on the Chinese politics and officialdom.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092965", "trove_id": "24092965"} {"rowid": 28426, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "6", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Rebel Wang Jianzhong, who is arrested in Tianjin, confesses the preparation for the Second Revolution.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092965", "trove_id": "24092965"} {"rowid": 28427, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "6", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Chinese army general Sun Wu (Yaoqing) to tour overseas.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092965", "trove_id": "24092965"} {"rowid": 28428, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "6", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Foreign debt of Persia and the statistics.", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092965", "trove_id": "24092965"} {"rowid": 28434, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "8", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Second part of the report written by Chinese Consul-General in New Zealand Gui Zhi on the strike in Auckland and influence upon the Chinese communities there. And Chinese business monopoly in New Zealand.", "source": "New Zealand", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092967", "trove_id": "24092967"} {"rowid": 28435, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "8", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Third part of the detailed report on the new administrative divisions in China.", "source": "New Zealand", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092967", "trove_id": "24092967"} {"rowid": 28436, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "8", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Ying Kui writes to the central government in Beijing asking for a pardon.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092967", "trove_id": "24092967"} {"rowid": 28437, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "8", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Chen Zhouying is to be executed for attempting to assassinate President Yuan Shikai.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092967", "trove_id": "24092967"} {"rowid": 28438, "date": "1914-01-17", "page": "8", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong news/ Kang Youwei arrives Guangzhou with his mother's coffin. Guangdong authority seizes weapons smuggled for Chen Jiongming.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092967", "trove_id": "24092967"}