{"rowid": 41192, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "A reply from He Fenglin to Wu Peifu.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41193, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "The war party in Fengtian (under Zhang Zuolin).", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41194, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Chinese Constitutional Party disintegrates.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41195, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "James Ramsay MacDonald becomes the first Labour Party Prime Minister of Britain, his background and his cabinet.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41196, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Another war breaks out in Sichuan province.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41197, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Pirates are executed in Hong Kong for hijacking.", "source": "Hong Kong", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41198, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Beijing government purchases huge amount of weapons that are stored in Tianjin at the moment.", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100631", "trove_id": "24100631"} {"rowid": 41184, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Editorial by the Tung Wah Times claims that Guangdong can not bear another strike by the Communist system.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41185, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "The Beijing government to have a significant change.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41186, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Wang Kemin, Sun Yatsen's treasurer, returns to Beijing.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41187, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Fan Yuanlian declines to the appointment of educational minister by Sun Yatsen.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41188, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "d-e", "title": "", "description": "Further report on Sun Yatsen's proposal for another peace conference.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41189, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Famous bandit chieftain Zhang Guoxin (alias lao yang ren) is executed in Henan province.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41190, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "e-f", "title": "", "description": "American authority issues new regulation on importation of Chinese products.", "source": "America", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41191, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "2", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "An anti-Japanese gathering in Shanghai and their circular telegram.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100632", "trove_id": "24100632"} {"rowid": 41202, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "State of New South Wales has new governor.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41203, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Commonwealth government of Australia issues new bank notes.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41204, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Man's body found in a Sydney park.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41205, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "A piano teacher in Sydney is brought to trial for sexual harassment.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41206, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "A woman is murdered in Sydney.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41207, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Proposal to build a harbour bridge in Sydney.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41208, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Owner of a motorbike factory in London is rich man.", "source": "Australia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41209, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Shen Hongying's army and the army from Hunan province are on the way to Shaoguan and Yingde county.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41210, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Yunnan army in Beijiang area ask for provisions.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41211, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "Yunnan army surrender themselves to Guangdong army.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41212, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "e-f", "title": "", "description": "Bandit Liang Gongdai in Gaoyao county and their lootings. Dyke construction in Gaoyao county. Disaster of war in Dongguan county.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41213, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "Farewell message by Zhong Guanlun on his return to China.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41214, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "7", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "Tung Wah Times thanks readers who have paid their subscription fee. Names listed.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100635", "trove_id": "24100635"} {"rowid": 41199, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "6", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Comments written by anonymous author on the true features of Sun Yatsen's communism.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100636", "trove_id": "24100636"} {"rowid": 41200, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "6", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "People in Heshan county hold a big gathering trying to retain their Magistrate Li.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100636", "trove_id": "24100636"} {"rowid": 41201, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "6", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "The Guangzhou conference of the Nationalist Party issues a declaration and the report.", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100636", "trove_id": "24100636"} {"rowid": 41215, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "8", "column": "a-d", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong news/ Provincial authority to inspect insurance companies. Provincial authority orders to preserve charity property in Nanhai county. Candidates for the provincial governor. United army enter Boluo county. Commercial associations in Shilong town are disbanded. Rice workers are on strike in Guangzhou. Panic in Guangzhou. Sun Ke wants to monopolise the rice market. Further report on the disaster of war in Zengcheng county.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100638", "trove_id": "24100638"} {"rowid": 41216, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "8", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Gold price in Hong Kong.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100638", "trove_id": "24100638"} {"rowid": 41217, "date": "1924-03-01", "page": "8", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Liner timetable.", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24100638", "trove_id": "24100638"}