{"rowid": 26725, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "China worries about loss of its territory to foreign nations as Russia bans Chinese into Mongolia. ", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26729, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Chinese people against British note to China's government over Tibetan issue. ", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26730, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "British women disturb parliament for women's vote right. ", "source": "Britain", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26726, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Sun Yat-sen plans to move capital due to increasing possibility of Japan taking over Manchu. ", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26734, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Premier Lu intends to resign due to difficult deal with foreign loans. ", "source": "China", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26737, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "French police is to make tear gas bombs. ", "source": "France", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26727, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Debate over tax of the Pananma Canal. ", "source": "Germany", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26728, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Swedish king inspects big army exercise.", "source": "Germany", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26733, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Plan for Japanese former emperor's funeral. ", "source": "Japan", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26719, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Sydney Nationalist Association's notice about change of its name.", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26720, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "Editorial on various ideas on saving China. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26721, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "President Yuan's orders about approval of Premier Lu's appointment of his office's officials and heavy punishment of those shooting at parliament members in Henan. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26722, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Telegrams from ambassadors to Japan and Russia about Japanese and Russian intention of carving up China's Manchu. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26723, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "President discusses with army chiefs ways of dealing with Russia, Japan and Germany over their intention of taking over Chinese territory. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26724, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "2", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong ten temples accuse provincial parliament's corruption. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092376", "trove_id": "24092376"} {"rowid": 26731, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Three gangsters arrested and are to be sentenced death after fighting with police on street in Italy. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26732, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Italian army chief resigns. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26736, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Former Portuguese king wants to resume his throne. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26738, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "C", "title": "", "description": "Beijing news/ Vice president Li lists six major problems in foreign relations. President Yuan intends to issue national treasury bonds. Premier Lu urges governors to continue donations to saving Chinese nation. Mongolia living Buddha disappointed with bombs bought for threatening those not supporting independence. Britain supports Japanese-Russian treaty. Chinese government surprises at foreign media report about chaos in Beijing. Chinese special envoy goest to Mongolia to settle down potential conflict between Chinese and Mongolians. Conflict between pigtail cut association and pigtail protection association. Shanghai Huangpujiang found a big snake. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26739, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Guangdong news/ Dong Jiaochang is to be developed into a big park. Beijiang Academics Association suggests exiling education chief Zhong Rongguang. People in north city against education chief Zhong. County parliament member shot dead on his way home. Some people complain republic is worse than former monarchy. Someone suggests to use China-made goods. Theatre workers enthusiastic in donations to saving Chinese nation. Wu County chief worries about devaluation of money there. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26740, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "6", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Vice president's comments on current China's situation. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092380", "trove_id": "24092380"} {"rowid": 26741, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "6", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Report about how Tongmeng Hui members smashing Guomin Gongbao (People's Newspaper) office. Beijing Guomin (People's) Association asks heavy punishment of Tongmeng Hui members who damaged People's Newspaper office. Shanghai People's Association appeals to government to punish those who damaged People's Newspaper office. Shanghai Social Party calls vice president to allow people's gathering freedom. Vice president returns to Shanghai Social Party stating gathering freedom legal. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092380", "trove_id": "24092380"} {"rowid": 26742, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "6", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "Republic Construction Association appeals to president and state council to make decision to solve current problems. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092380", "trove_id": "24092380"} {"rowid": 26743, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "7", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "Australian news/ Chinese consul general issues notice about designs of Chinese national flag, army, navy flags. Communication between China bank and Chinese consul general about Australian donations to saving Chinese nation. Australian favours white immigrants. Brisbane Chinese businessman appeals to let Pan Ru's wife to stay in Australia. Two trains collides in Melbourne. Three students seriously injured by horse cart. Criminal runs away on way to prison in Sydney. Thefts active in Sydney. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092379", "trove_id": "24092379"} {"rowid": 26744, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "7", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Nanyang nations (including Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and others) enthusiastic in donations to saving Chinese nation. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092379", "trove_id": "24092379"} {"rowid": 26745, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "7", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "News/ President Yuan asks all officials to show last respect to former Japanese emperor for 27 days. Tongmeng Hui membership cancelled due to appointment of minister for industry and commerce. Republic Construction Association proposes Liang Qichao as its chairman. Chinese ambassador to Britain sends secret message to president telling representatives of various nation discuss division of China in London. French ambassador tells President Yuan not appropriate for China to show last respect to former Japanese emperor. Liu Kuiyi asks president to appoint Liang Qichao and Yang Du. China decides 10 December as preliminary voting day for parliament. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092379", "trove_id": "24092379"} {"rowid": 26746, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "8", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Sydney branch's notice on donations to saving Chinese nation and its committee members.", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092382", "trove_id": "24092382"} {"rowid": 26748, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "8", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "Republic government issues national policies for discussion. (to be continued)", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092382", "trove_id": "24092382"} {"rowid": 26749, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "8", "column": "c", "title": "", "description": "Hong Kong Donghua hospital's thankyou letter to Tung Wah Times for collecting donations to floods in Guangdong. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092382", "trove_id": "24092382"} {"rowid": 26750, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "8", "column": "c-d", "title": "", "description": "More than 300 names listed for donations to saving Chinese nation. ", "source": "Other...", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092382", "trove_id": "24092382"} {"rowid": 26735, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "3", "column": "b", "title": "", "description": "Turkey is surrounded by hostile neighbouring nations. ", "source": "Russia", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092375", "trove_id": "24092375"} {"rowid": 26747, "date": "1912-09-14", "page": "8", "column": "a", "title": "", "description": "Notice calling for donations to floods in Guangdong. ", "source": "Tung Wah", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24092382", "trove_id": "24092382"}