{"rowid": 3712, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "a-c", "title": "", "description": "A picture of the building of Wing Sang & Co., 20-22 Campbell St, Sydney.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3713, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "a-b", "title": "", "description": "A Japanese ship saves dozens of Sydney boys.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3714, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "b-c", "title": "", "description": "The owner of a big newspaper in Sydney was charged and penalised; two female thieves sentenced; Chinese robbed in Sydney by two men (one of whom has been caught by police); a young doctor on York Street commits suicide; boy falls from train from Sydney to Melbourne; silver plate stolen from a Catholic church in Ballarat; Wollongong man starves to death; gold transportation from Queensland by a Sydney steamship company.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3715, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Victoria expects a good harvest this year; a Chinese in Melbourne was fined for working overtime; a couple drown in Wellington.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3716, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Bullies target a man in Melbourne.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3717, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "Boy punished for attempted theft. ", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3718, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "d", "title": "", "description": "A young woman in Perth sues her boyfriend for refusing to marry her.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3719, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "A girl in Melbourne was compensated for being bitten by a dog.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3720, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "The numbers printed on coins indicate whether or not they are counterfeit.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3721, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Queensland cares for orphans.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3722, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "Man charged with rape; Chinese man in Shepparton faces court charge with rape.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3723, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "e", "title": "", "description": "A father in Melbourne was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for committing incest.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3724, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "A priest who provoked his audience narrowly escapes from being attacked.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3725, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "All carpenters should not work on Sundays.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3726, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "Arrival and departure of ocean liners.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"} {"rowid": 3727, "date": "1899-09-30", "page": "3", "column": "f", "title": "", "description": "Gold price in Hong Kong.", "source": "", "page_url": "http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/page/24102549", "trove_id": "24102549"}