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Suggested facets: page, column, page_url, trove_id
Link | rowid ▼ | date | page | column | title | description | source | page_url | trove_id |
4845 | 4845 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | Robbery cases in Western Australia. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4849 | 4849 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | Drought in Queensland has serious effects. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4866 | 4866 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | e | Tin production in Tingha, New South Wales. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4867 | 4867 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | The building of a bridge in Queanbeyan, New South Wales, has been completed; a post office to be built on George St, Sydney; a fete in Sydney. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4868 | 4868 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | Donations from Western Australia to the famine area in India. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4869 | 4869 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | A man who murdered his countryman in Perth, Western Australia. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4870 | 4870 | 1900-03-28 | 2 | f | A coal mine in Mareeba, Queensland, collapsed, two miners died. | Australia | | 24102747 | |
4872 | 4872 | 1900-03-28 | 3 | a | The price of telegram in Adelaide, New South Wales, is going down. | Australia | | 24102746 | |
4875 | 4875 | 1900-03-28 | 3 | a | A maidservant in Warrnambool, Victoria, committed suicide. | Australia | | 24102746 | |
4876 | 4876 | 1900-03-28 | 3 | b | A minister of Anglican church in Victoria was punished for remarrying.. | Australia | | 24102746 | |
4877 | 4877 | 1900-03-28 | 3 | b | A Sydney company on Pitt St has new water pump for watering gardens. | Australia | | 24102746 |
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [article_index] ( [date] TEXT, [page] TEXT, [column] TEXT, [title] TEXT, [description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [page_url] TEXT, [trove_id] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_article_index_date] ON [article_index] ([date]);