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Link | rowid ▼ | date | page | column | title | description | source | page_url | trove_id |
2283 | 2283 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | a | Report submitted by Tan Zhonglin, Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. | | 24102372 | ||
2284 | 2284 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | a-b | Report submitted by Hu Pin, governor of Shanxi. | | 24102372 | ||
2285 | 2285 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | b-c | Report submitted by Yu Chengge, imperial inspector of Shandong. | | 24102372 | ||
2286 | 2286 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | c-d | Ten proposals that Lu Chuanlin, governor of Guangdong, put forward to strengthen region. | | 24102372 | ||
2287 | 2287 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | d | Two girls robbed in Sydney. | | 24102372 | ||
2288 | 2288 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | d | Chinese envoy Xu Shoupeng, when meeting the King of Korea, found the traditional royal attire has been discarded in favour of new dress. | | 24102372 | ||
2289 | 2289 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | d-e | The story of a penniless family in Guangzhou. | | 24102372 | ||
2290 | 2290 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | e-f | Chinese resist British occupation, attack British army; British military officer and his wife attacked by Chinese. | | 24102372 | ||
2291 | 2291 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | f | Two men travel from Albury to Melbourne by bicycle. | | 24102372 | ||
2292 | 2292 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | f | Germany has not appointed representative for Samoa; New Zealand has repeatedly requested to send troops; Germany considers agreement; US sends gunboat; German Foreign Minister discusees Samoa issue in Parliament; responses from USA. | | 24102372 | ||
2293 | 2293 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | f | The chief military officer of Hunan was attacked on the way to his office. | | 24102372 | ||
2294 | 2294 | 1899-04-22 | 2 | f | The price Victorian wheat is selling for in London. | | 24102372 | ||
2295 | 2295 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | a | Fund-raising fete organised on Elizabeth St, Sydney. Profit will go to churches and other religious organisations. | | 24102371 | ||
2296 | 2296 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | a-b | Comments on the international peace conference organised by the Tsar of Russia. | | 24102371 | ||
2297 | 2297 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | b-c | Clashes between Chinese and Japanese workers in Honolulu. | | 24102371 | ||
2298 | 2298 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | c | A railway worker near Albury dies when train rolls over him. | | 24102371 | ||
2299 | 2299 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | d | The King of Afghanistan was assassinated by his people. | | 24102371 | ||
2300 | 2300 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | d-e | German Member of Parliament suggests new tri-alliance with France and Russia. | | 24102371 | ||
2301 | 2301 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | Girl in Ballarat detained for setting fire to laundry shop. | | 24102371 | ||
2302 | 2302 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | British women comment on issues facing women in China; their social status and human rights. | | 24102371 | ||
2303 | 2303 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | A kind of grass that kills butterflies. | | 24102371 | ||
2304 | 2304 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | Chinese shop in Queensland broken into. | | 24102371 | ||
2305 | 2305 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | Britain plans to levy tax on liquors and wines; states in Australia consider refusing British proposal; President of Bolivia is overthrown; British plans to build Weihaiwei in Shandong province, China. | | 24102371 | ||
2306 | 2306 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | Big fire in London burns a building. | | 24102371 | ||
2307 | 2307 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e | The number of wars since the birth of Jesus Christ. | | 24102371 | ||
2308 | 2308 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | e-f | Other names for royalty in European countries. | | 24102371 | ||
2309 | 2309 | 1899-04-22 | 3 | f | Mail from China waiting to be collected. | | 24102371 | ||
2310 | 2310 | 1899-04-22 | 4 | a | A proposal to establish an association of the Chen family, Chen Yin Chuan Tang, in Sydney. Sponsors include Chen Liangxun, Chen Wendao, Chen Tianyou, Chen Tianhui, Chen Zunlu, Chen Jiazheng, Chen Yiyou, and Chen Xiluan. | | 24102374 |
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [article_index] ( [date] TEXT, [page] TEXT, [column] TEXT, [title] TEXT, [description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [page_url] TEXT, [trove_id] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_article_index_date] ON [article_index] ([date]);