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Suggested facets: page, column, page_url, trove_id, date (date)
Link | rowid ▼ | date | page | column | title | description | source | page_url | trove_id |
39285 | 39285 | 1923-01-20 | 2 | a-b | Guangdong suffers the disaster of war once again, comments by Tung Wah Times. | Tung Wah | | 24094260 | |
39286 | 39286 | 1923-01-20 | 2 | b-c | Chinese President Li Yuanhong appoints and removes some cabinet members. | China | | 24094260 | |
39287 | 39287 | 1923-01-20 | 2 | e | Wang Daxie assumes the office of Chinese premier but resigns on the same day. | China | | 24094260 | |
39288 | 39288 | 1923-01-20 | 2 | c-d | Dispute between President Li Yuanhong and police chief Nie Xianfan on the arrest of Luo Wengan. | China | | 24094260 | |
39289 | 39289 | 1923-01-20 | 2 | d-e | Progress of the peace talks between Zhang Zuolin and Wu Peifu. | China | | 24094260 | |
39290 | 39290 | 1923-01-20 | 2-3 | e-a | Agreement signed on the return of Shandong province. | China | | 24094260 | |
39291 | 39291 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | b | Political factions in the Chinese parliament and their plot. | China | | 24094259 | |
39292 | 39292 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | b | American and Japanese companies want to supervise the railway operation in China. | China | | 24094259 | |
39293 | 39293 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | b-c | Wu Peifu issues another circular telegram on the arrest of Luo Wengan. | China | | 24094259 | |
39294 | 39294 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | c | A fundraising conference in Shanghai for the flooding victims in Zhejiang province. Fundraising in Beijing for the victims in Zhejiang province. | China | | 24094259 | |
39295 | 39295 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | c-d | Japan puts forwards new condominium proposal in China. | Japan | | 24094259 | |
39296 | 39296 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | e | President Li Yuanhong donates to the flooding victims in Zhejiang province. | China | | 24094259 | |
39297 | 39297 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | e | Former King of Greece, Constantine I, dies. | America | | 24094259 | |
39298 | 39298 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | e | Pessimism in Germany. | Britain | | 24094259 | |
39299 | 39299 | 1923-01-20 | 3 | f | Current situation in Guangdong and the payment of Boxer Indemnity. | America | | 24094259 | |
39300 | 39300 | 1923-01-20 | 6 | a-d | Political chaos in Beijing. President Li Yuanhong apologises to Luo Wengan for the arrest. | China | | 24094264 | |
39301 | 39301 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | a | A bank manager is arrested in New South Wales for misconduct. | Tung Wah | | 24094263 | |
39302 | 39302 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | a | A fisherman in Redfern, Sydney, is punished for the capture of fish that are too small. | Australia | | 24094263 | |
39303 | 39303 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | a | A thief suspect is detained in Sydney for burglary. | Australia | | 24094263 | |
39304 | 39304 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | a | A Melbourne woman shoots dead her husband for divorce. | Australia | | 24094263 | |
39305 | 39305 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | a-b | A new-born baby is found abandoned in the bush near Melbourne. | Australia | | 24094263 | |
39306 | 39306 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | b | Three woman workers are killed in an explosion of Melbourne ammunition factory. | Australia | | 24094263 | |
39307 | 39307 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | b | Chen Jiongming arrives Huizhou. | China | | 24094263 | |
39308 | 39308 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | b | News in brief/ Gu Weijun is back to his ambassador office in London. Transportation is suspended in Yichang and Chongqing. Wang Zhengting is the acting premier. Zhang Shaozeng, Wu Jinglian, Li Houji, Wang Xianchen and the cabinet organisation in Beijing. Lu Zhengxiang reports from the League of Nations. | Tung Wah | | 24094263 | |
39309 | 39309 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | c | Chinese community in New Zealand donates to the typhoon victims in Shantou, reported by the Chinese Association there. | New Zealand | | 24094263 | |
39310 | 39310 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | c | A notice by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New South Wales regarding the membership, registration and other issues of the association. | Tung Wah | | 24094263 | |
39311 | 39311 | 1923-01-20 | 7 | d | Tung Wah Times thanks readers who have paid their subscription fee. Names listed. | Tung Wah | | 24094263 | |
39312 | 39312 | 1923-01-20 | 8 | a | Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New South Wales calls for donation to the flooding victims in Zhejiang province. Contact details are: Chinese Chamber of Commerce, 52 Dixon Street, Haymarket, Sydney; Lee Sang & Co, Produce Merchants, Corner of Hay and Harbour Streets, Sydney; Wing On & Co, 10-11 Ultimo Road, Sydney; On Chong & Co, 225 George Street North, Sydney; Sun Tuey Wah Chockson & Co, 75-79 Campbell Street, Haymarket, Sydney; Goon Lee Shing & Co, Merchants, 37 Dixon Street, Sydney. | Tung Wah | | 24094266 | |
39313 | 39313 | 1923-01-20 | 8 | a-d | Guangdong news/ Nanhai and Panyu county authorities borrow local loans. Guangdong authority borrows loans from the Guangzhou-Hankou railway company. Provincial authority tries to maintain the current value of the bank notes. Military officers control tobacco and wine taxes in Guangzhou. No plane will fly to Wuzhou. Bandits in Xinhui county send blackmail to Liang Qichao. Provincial authority tries to stop the feud and clan fighting between Yang and Luo families in Dongguan. Company commander in Guangzhou shoots at a rickshaw man. The German doctor who is involved in the bomb blast to be released. Bandits in Zengcheng. Model market in Xiangshan county. | Tung Wah | | 24094266 | |
39314 | 39314 | 1923-01-20 | 8 | e | Gold price in Hong Kong. | Tung Wah | | 24094266 | |
39315 | 39315 | 1923-01-20 | 8 | e | Liner timetable. | Tung Wah | | 24094266 |
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [article_index] ( [date] TEXT, [page] TEXT, [column] TEXT, [title] TEXT, [description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [page_url] TEXT, [trove_id] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_article_index_date] ON [article_index] ([date]);