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Link | rowid ▼ | date | page | column | title | description | source | page_url | trove_id |
40183 | 40183 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | a-b | First part of Tung Wah Times editorial which provides some advice to the people who are fighting for the Chinese presidency. | Tung Wah | | 24094496 | |
40184 | 40184 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | b-d | Chinese President Li Yuanhong is trapped in the Tianjin railway station. | China | | 24094496 | |
40185 | 40185 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | d-e | Telegram from Chinese President Li Yuanhong to the foreign missions in Beijing. | China | | 24094496 | |
40186 | 40186 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | e | Wang Huaiqing and others urge presidential election in China. | China | | 24094496 | |
40187 | 40187 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | e-f | Members of Chinese parliament issue circular telegram regarding the current crisis in Beijing. | China | | 24094496 | |
40188 | 40188 | 1923-08-04 | 2 | f | All hostages are released in Shandong province who were kidnapped by bandits on the Tianjin-Pukou railway line. | China | | 24094496 | |
40189 | 40189 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | a | Sun Chuanfang resigns once again from his governorship post in Fujian province. | China | | 24094495 | |
40190 | 40190 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | b-c | Another fighting in the national parliament in Beijing. | China | | 24094495 | |
40191 | 40191 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | c | Cabinet in Beijing takes over administration since President Li Yuanhong left. | China | | 24094495 | |
40192 | 40192 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | c-d | Seamen association in Shanghai issues circular telegram on the current situation. | China | | 24094495 | |
40193 | 40193 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | d | Students association of Anhui province sends telegram to the commercial chamber in Shanghai on the current situation. | China | | 24094495 | |
40194 | 40194 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | e | Afghanistan government seeks recognition from China. | Other... | | 24094495 | |
40195 | 40195 | 1923-08-04 | 3 | e | Chinese bandits in Chongqing, Sichuan province, shoot at the British and American liners in the Yangtze River. | America | | 24094495 | |
40196 | 40196 | 1923-08-04 | 6 | a | China should set up more schools and other technical training institution, written by Zhou Xianchao. | Tung Wah | | 24094500 | |
40197 | 40197 | 1923-08-04 | 6 | a-b | Li Yuanhong issues a circular telegram which says that he was forced to leave Beijing. | China | | 24094500 | |
40198 | 40198 | 1923-08-04 | 6 | c-d | A circular telegram issued by Ye Ju. | China | | 24094500 | |
40199 | 40199 | 1923-08-04 | 6 | d | Further report on the fire in the Forbidden City. | China | | 24094500 | |
40200 | 40200 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | a | Message from Zhong Baoxuan, professor of the Agriculture School, Lingnan University, Guangzhou, who comes to Sydney to raise funds for the school development. Photograph of Zhong Baoxuan. Ma Yingbiao and other Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong donate to the Agriculture School of Lingnan University. | Tung Wah | | 24094499 | |
40201 | 40201 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | a | Chinese Nanhua Football (Soccer) Team to have match with New South Wales team in Sydney. Advertisement for the match. And photograph of a Chinese football team member. | Tung Wah | | 24094499 | |
40202 | 40202 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | b | Chinese Nanhua (South China) Football Team arrives Townsville, Queensland, and their telegram to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in New South Wales. | Tung Wah | | 24094499 | |
40203 | 40203 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | b | Tung Wah Times thanks readers who have paid their subscription fee. Names listed. | Tung Wah | | 24094499 | |
40204 | 40204 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | c | Chinese Nanhua (South China) Football (Soccer) Team comes to visit Australian by Japanese liner and the explanation of the travel. They will have matches with Australian teams in Sydney, New Castle, Wollongong, and Brisbane. | Tung Wah | | 24094499 | |
40205 | 40205 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | c | Flood in Anhui province. | China | | 24094499 | |
40206 | 40206 | 1923-08-04 | 7 | c | German economy in crisis. | Britain | | 24094499 | |
40207 | 40207 | 1923-08-04 | 8 | a | Executive Manager of the Tung Wah Times Zhang Maokuan calls for donations to the building of Confucian temple. Names listed. | Tung Wah | | 24094502 | |
40208 | 40208 | 1923-08-04 | 8 | a-d | Guangdong news/ Yuan Dai issues an open letter to the Guangdong people. Chen Jiongming orders his troops to attack the Guangzhou city. Chen Jiongming's army attack Boluo. Porters killed in the battle in Guangzhou. Guangzhou municipal public security bureau to check the defence headquarters. Policemen in Guangzhou are prohibited from extorting money from peddlers. Yao Yuping's mediation between different political groups in Guangdong. Japanese kill local residents in Changsha, capital of Hunan province, and the demonstration in Guangzhou. Looting in Zhaoqing. Headquarters in Guangzhou borrows loans from the Xinning Railway company. | Tung Wah | | 24094502 | |
40209 | 40209 | 1923-08-04 | 8 | e | Gold price in Hong Kong. | Tung Wah | | 24094502 | |
40210 | 40210 | 1923-08-04 | 8 | e | Liner timetable. | Tung Wah | | 24094502 |
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE TABLE [article_index] ( [date] TEXT, [page] TEXT, [column] TEXT, [title] TEXT, [description] TEXT, [source] TEXT, [page_url] TEXT, [trove_id] TEXT ); CREATE INDEX [idx_article_index_date] ON [article_index] ([date]);