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Link | rowid ▼ | date | page | column | title | description | source | page_url | trove_id |
17351 | 17351 | 1907-04-27 | 7 | a | Japan is the major threat to Australia, an article translated from the Sydney Sunday Times. | Australia | | 26801311 | |
17352 | 17352 | 1907-04-27 | 7 | a | Australia's foreign trade develops very fast, confirmed by the acting prime minister in Melbourne. | Australia | | 26801311 | |
19183 | 19183 | 1908-04-11 | 7 | b | Sydney Daily Telegraph reports on protest movement in Guangdong and boycott of Japanese goods. | Australia | | 26801697 | |
19256 | 19256 | 1908-04-25 | 7 | b | The new Governor-General of Australia is on the way to Australia. | Australia | | 26801713 | |
23000 | 23000 | 1910-06-18 | 7 | b | Around 560 English immigrants are coming to settle in Queensland. | Australia | | 26802669 | |
23839 | 23839 | 1910-11-19 | 7 | a | Sunday Times in Sydney comments on Australia's relation with China and its future development. | Australia | | 26802845 | |
24134 | 24134 | 1911-01-07 | 7 | a | Australian news | The Commonwealth government released a new legislation to ban opium; the survey on the numbers of naturalisation in Australia; Hanyang steel sells well in Australia; the Minister of Australia Defence requested to establish a Navy College before the British military commander finishes his survey on Australia's national defence; the jurisdiction of Nortern Territory is now transferred from South Australia to the Commonwealth; the numbers of money notes produced by the Commonwealth; Australia implements compulsory military service law; aboriginal crown coronation taking place in Bortmin in NSW ; Murder or suicide in Glanviwlle in South Australia; an American sugar industrialist visited Sydney, warning Australia to keep eyes on Japan which might invade Australia's north. | Australia | | 24091592 |
24172 | 24172 | 1911-01-14 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | The first semester exam result of Sydney Zhonghui School; the number of migration to NSW in 1910; Australia's new naval vessels; French naval vessel arrived in Sydney; the Federation officials attended the British crown coronation; a tragedy happened in the Manly beach; the number of visitors to Sydney National Gallery; increasing number of European migrated to Australia; a priest spoke about treating non-white people equally in spite of the White Australia policy; glambling problems among the Chinese; South Island exported bananas; floods in Queensland. | Australia | | 24091600 |
24174 | 24174 | 1911-01-14 | 7 | c | Reply to New Zealand Chinese embassy | The translation of New Zealand's Factories Amendment Act, 1910 send by Chinese embassy will be published in next issue. | Australia | | 24091600 |
24204 | 24204 | 1911-01-21 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | Ships brought a few thousand of Japanese to New Caledonia island. The local French newspaper called it 'Asian invasion'. Because this island is close to Asutralia, it also generates fears; a comparison of the numbers of shipping in Sydney in 1909 and 1910; two Chinese found in a Japanese ship to Melbourne were criticised for breaking up other Chinese attempts to boycott Japan; apart from Victorian governor, other state's governor not yet confirm whether they will attend the British King's crown coronation; White Australia policy is now extended to exclude Asians from employed in pearl industry; Sydney gas workers strike because one worker was fired; Australia plans to organise a team to research the South Pole; Australia weclomes European immigrants; a steamship was sent to Hong Kong; one manager of Gibbs & Bright company passed away. | Australia | | 24091608 |
24236 | 24236 | 1911-01-28 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | The Tung Wah Times will issue a New Year supplementary with about 30 fine pictures; an Australian expediction to the South Pole was proposed; the number of British migrants to Australia; a news from Newcastle said that a Chinese grocery shop has won the competition; news from Melbourne: two Chinese men fought over illicit love, and a Chinese called Shu Ping happened to get involved and injured. | Australia | | 24091616 |
24239 | 24239 | 1911-01-28 | 7 | b-c | Notice from the Association of Business Protection, Sydney | The Association of Business Protection, Sydney asked for donations to people suffering from famines in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in China. | Australia | | 24091616 |
24251 | 24251 | 1911-02-04 | 7 | b | Casual Talk | It is about a newly-manufactured microphone in America. | Australia | | 24091626 |
24348 | 24348 | 1911-02-18 | 7 | a | Australian news | A celebration was held for the Emperor's birthday; Ship Jiyishidun (nnn) was out of risk; some Japaneses had an expedition to the South Pole; Australian Youth Organisation planned to send 30 youths to travel around the world; Geba (ppp) area was flooded; ban of opium in Australia; overseas-Chinese business organisations in South Australia celebrated Chinese New Year; new facilities on German ships. | Australia | | 24091673 |
24368 | 24368 | 1911-02-25 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | A notice from the Chinese embassy in Melbourne to urge Chinese vegetable gardeners to sanitate their garden conditions in the face of complaints made to the Royal family; a large number of people in Victoria married last year; eighteen Australian officials will attend the British crown coronation; the rapist, Duode (nnn), was sentenced 10 years for the crime he committed; a steamship with 10 illegal Chinese arrived in Brisbane, each of them was fined one hundred pounds; strikes in Melbourne; three Chinese-Australians and one Australian were caught and fined fifty pounds for smoking opium, and one Chinese was arrested for possession of opium and one Chinese seaman was fined fifty pounds for possession of opium; 1910 statistics of commerce and trade in Western Australia; flood in Victoria; and new land tax of the federal government. | Australia | | 24091681 |
24424 | 24424 | 1911-03-11 | 7 | a-c | Australian news | The Chinese Consulate in Melbourne proposed to establish a Chinese society in Melbourne due to a large number of Chinese in Melbourne; a proposal of establishing a similar Chinese society in Sydney; Dingmeng (nnn) was appointed new governor of Australia; a western foreigner expressed his view on China after his trip to China; new regulations were issued to restrict Chinese in Brisbane; police's wrong suspicion of Chinese over opium; a German ship illeagally had ten Chinese boat people; a complicated murder case in West Australia. | Australia | | 24091697 |
24528 | 24528 | 1911-05-13 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Many Europeans immigate to Australia. The plan of West Australia to trade pearls. Censor of Tasmania. International Race Conference is to hold in London. A Brasil ship wrecked by tornado. Comment by General Panley on the ambition of Japan. Federal investigation on immigrants. Donations to hospitals. Huang Zicheng is appointed to be Australia embassdor. Price of haircut is to rise in Sydney. | Australia | | 24091773 |
24529 | 24529 | 1911-05-13 | 7 | b | Public notice by New Southwale cousultant | Huang Yunliang is to take the position of New Southwale consultant temporarily. | Australia | | 24091773 |
24562 | 24562 | 1911-05-20 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | A proposal for the establishment of Chinese Society in Melbourne should be reconsidered when acting Chinese consul general to Australia arrives. Tang Difeng, Chinese consul general to Australia leaves for China. Some Chinese suffer from contamination of a Chinese ship. Japanese explorer to the South Pole is not welcome in Sydney. American orator spoke about 'Huanghuo (Asian disaster)' in Sydney. Chinese should be aware of their manner and behaviour in foreign countries. Railways in Guangdong will be owned by the government. Tang Difeng issued a notice to all Chinese. | Australia | | 24091782 |
24596 | 24596 | 1911-05-29 | 7 | a-c | Australian news | New South Wales opens its parliament congress. Chinese thief in Melbourne. A survey reveals the average age of marriage in Australia. New governor to Australia will take his office. More migrants from Europe arrived in Australia. A long-life lady of 103 years old is in Melbourne. Australian prime minister arrived in London for the coronation ceremony. Chinese gamblers were caught by police. Two suicides happened in New South Wales. Chinese patriots in Australia wrote to China. Acting Chinese consul general wrote to the newspaper. | Australia | ||
24629 | 24629 | 1911-06-03 | 7 | a | Notes of Sydney Empire Constitutional Association | Aims of the Association and regulations on memebership. | Australia | | 24091798 |
24809 | 24809 | 1911-08-05 | 7 | a | Australia news | Investigation statistics of New South Wales institutes. Fi She (nnn), Australian premier wants Australia to be independant. More opium smuggles are exposed. Ya Chang, a Chinese merchant, is robbed in Sydney. More Chinese were attacked in Sydney. Proposal of land nationalisation cause debates in parliament. Intensified strike in Tasmania. New commonwealth governor is to take office. A Chinese woman is to be expelled. Attacks on Chinese occurred in Sydney. | Australia | | 24091870 |
24838 | 24838 | 1911-08-12 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Chinese woman is unreasonably forbidden to immigrate to Australia, Chinese man was beaten in Sydney. Australian man tells his experience in Japan. Chinese in Melbourne have short memory of shame. Current census in West Australia, An European was found selling opium. An European divorced his wife for a new woman. The highest man Pat O'Connor is arriving in Sydney. | Australia | | 24091878 |
24939 | 24939 | 1911-09-02 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Statistics of Melbourne prison. Census of Po Da Yun (PPP). More immigrants come to Queensland. Situation of aborigines in west Australia. A Chinese commits suicide. Arrangement of 3 Chinese properties. A Chinese is found smuggling opium. Chinese seamen fought each other. Strike in Lismone Iron plant. Counsel Huang notify Chinese carpenters to obey common regulations. | Australia | | 24091902 |
24940 | 24940 | 1911-09-02 | 7 | b-c | Notice of General Counsel | Huang apologises for being unable to meet needs of some Chinese. | Australia | | 24091902 |
24970 | 24970 | 1911-09-09 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Sydney Empire Constitutional Association starts relief activities for Anhui. Business and industries increase in Queensland. More immigrants come to Australia. Government income of Queensland. Japanese businessmen offend regulations. governor of New South Wales returns home from Britain. Chinese woman has no right to stay in Australia. Huang Zicheng's letter praising his nephew. Test results of Sydney China's primary school. People from Australia and New Zealand set up an association in Shanghai. Li Zhao killed an European during a conflict. | Australia | | 24091913 |
25147 | 25147 | 1911-10-14 | 7 | a | Australia news | Australian businessman is well treated in Japan. Labour Party of south Australia wins its parliament majority. Chief of British opium ban association comes to Australia. Newcastle's coal export in September. Federal Foreign Minister passed away. Labour power increases and leads to loss of both labour and capital. A Chinese shop in Melbourne is found doing gambling business. Memorising Confucius birthday in Sydney. | Australia | | 24091961 |
25148 | 25148 | 1911-10-14 | 7 | b | Yangtse River flooding donation | Name list of donations. | Australia | | 24091961 |
25173 | 25173 | 1911-10-21 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Pan Yunkong answers Business Protection Association. Japanese bankers are coming to visit Australia. Trade unions are getting more powerful. Newcastle shipwreck killed 15 seamen. A fire in a Melbourne company resulted in heavy loss. A navy institute is to set up in Sydney. People in Sydney oppose exhibition conference. Test results of Sydney China's Primary School. Memorising Confucius' birthday in Sydney. False wines were found in Victoria. | Australia | | 24091970 |
25274 | 25274 | 1911-11-11 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | British government admits Portugal a democratic country. New South Wales welcomes European immigrants. Statistics of New South Wales's government debt. Income of railways in New South Wales. A Chinese woman shot a Chinese man. An European is murdered in Sydney. Begg's Whisky is popular. Tangye Oil Engine is advised to Chinese. | Australia | | 24091996 |
25278 | 25278 | 1911-11-11 | 7 | b | Donations for Yangtse River' Flooding | Name list of Sydney donators for Yangtse River's flooding. | Australia | | 24091996 |
25297 | 25297 | 1911-11-18 | 7 | a | Notice of Sydney Empire Constitution Association | A notice calling for donations to Anhui and Liang Hu stricken by flooding. | Australia | | 24092005 |
25298 | 25298 | 1911-11-18 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Two Australian warships are ordered to go to China to protect British people. Governor of New South Wales returns from abroad. Census of Sydney. A Japanese army official went to explore the South Pole. A Japanese training warship visits Australia. Two women were attacked in Mo Shi Wen(ppp). Teachers in New South Wales demand for pay rise. Chen Wu, a Chinese seaman was beaten by their European colleagues. | Australia | | 24092005 |
25474 | 25474 | 1911-12-23 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Number of immigrants to various places in Australia for next year. A Melbourne youngster lost a leg in accident but got a generous compensation. Colourful celebration for anniversary of Sydney Hospital. It snows in some places in Melbourne in summer. Coal miners strike due to disagreement with the management. | Australia | | 24092046 |
25475 | 25475 | 1911-12-23 | 7 | b | Third donations to Anhui and Lianghu | Statistics and name list of donations in Australia to Anhui and Lianghu, the flooding area. | Australia | | 24092046 |
25509 | 25509 | 1911-12-30 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Federal government is to grant fund for officials to inspect different places. Statistics of foreign trade in New South Wales. Perth may nationalise its trams. Governors of six states meets to discuss politics. Black boxers are fighting in Sydney. Statistics of income of Victoria railways. | Australia | | 24092054 |
25620 | 25620 | 1912-01-20 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | A Victoria senator returning from China says that China is gradually westernised and Australia trade in China is to increase. Statistics of immigrants to Australia over last year. A coal mine accident in New South Wales killed six miners. Two Japanese warships visit Sydney. Statistics of coal output in Newcastle. Xia Tingxiang is returning to China from New Zealand. The case of 16 Chinese seamen riot ends up with the Chinese seamen laid off. | Australia | | 24092078 |
25660 | 25660 | 1912-01-27 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Australia exports develop over last year, statistics listed. An European youngster killed Xian Jiang and was arrested. Federal government notifies all states to watch on African ships, preventing plague enterig. Australia is to have Chinese overseas students. A number of German people immigrate to Brisbane. Japanese is to expand shipping business in Australia. | Australia | | 24092086 |
25691 | 25691 | 1912-02-03 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Final examination result of Sydney China's primary school. Construction workers in West Australia propose a shorter working hour. Statistics of income of the railways and buses in New South Wales. The European youngster who killed Xiang Jiang,a Chinese, was brought in a verdict of mistaken killing. Haircut price is to be up in Sydney. An Australian proposes ban on marriage between white women and Chinese men. Workers in Brisbane strike for protecting their working rights. A 19-year old European man was sentenced to death for murdering another European man. China's Red Cross calling on donations for the Republic of China. | Australia | | 24092094 |
25765 | 25765 | 1912-02-17 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Guangdong Railways Company notifies the election of board directors. Strike in Brisbane is still on and government sent heavy police force to stop it. A Chinese named Li Guandi died of accidence. A theft occurs in a ship at Sydney port. | Australia | | 24092110 |
25766 | 25766 | 1912-02-17 | 7 | b | Hurricane in Fiji | Fiji was stricken by hurricane resulting in heavy loss of fruits. | Australia | | 24092110 |
25851 | 25851 | 1912-03-09 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Tan Tingyue wants to purchase Australian horses for Hunan troops. Tang Fachen, chief editor of this paper, returns to China for helping the revolutionary government. Chinese in Queensland fought over disputes of the Constitution Political Association, leading to many injuries. A huge downpour has made Sydney an ocean. An European was killed by trim in Sydney. Strikes in Brisbane are over. A fire in a Melbourne company resulted in huge casualties. A younster raped a 94-year old woman in Sydney. The Chinese womanYa Kui was convicted innocent in shooting Chinese man Pi Da Qiao.Overseas Chinese in Sydney celebrate the founding of the Republic of China. Ge Fi Lou(nnn) company's business is improving. Shen Dunhe of Shanghai Red Cross thanks to donators in Australia. Hong Kong Tung Wah Hospital thanks for donations. | Australia | | 24092160 |
25917 | 25917 | 1912-03-23 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Overseas Chinese in all around Australia have been competing to donate for the revolutionary army and government since last winter. Over 20, 000 teenagers above 14 years old in Australia did not enroll in the government censor due to various reasons. A Chinese named Ya Yie in Melbourne died of an accident injury due to his refusal of being treated in hospital. Two Europeans charged Xiao Guang, a Chinese businessman inTownsville with alleged crime of injuring them by sword. A new bank in Melbourne was stolen at night. An European woman was injured by trim in Sydney. Wall Company in Sydney notifies Chinese that a new ship is now available for transporting between China, Hong Kong, Japan and Australia. | Australia | | 24092177 |
25953 | 25953 | 1912-03-30 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | General counsellor Huang in Melbourne reduces official expenses and changes to use solar calendar as informed by Beijing government. A lady named Xian Huaili in Mi Shi Da Dun (ppp) charged her brother due to his damaging her reputation. An European girl in Sydney committed suicide after a quarrel with her boyfriend. Three Chinese were arrested in Perth for illegal immigration. The European youngster who killed a Chinese Xian Qiang was convicted with murder, but legal doctor proved that Xian Qiang was killed by accident. An European gentleman from Queensland stood out as witness for the case of Xian Qiang's murder, exposing reality of the crime. Eight Chinese in Sydney were arrested for gambling. Statistics show that industries and businesses in New South Wales are increasing rapidly over last ten years. | Australia | | 24092186 |
26104 | 26104 | 1912-05-04 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Counsellor Huang Yunliang asked Australian Premier for the reasons for strictly forbidding Chinese labourers, businessmen and students to Australia and the premier replied accordingly. Melbourne Military Fund Donation Bueau notifies that Hu Hanming has taken office of Guangdong government. Australian black people is to extinct according to the statistics. Thieves in Sydney who are riding motor vehicles to steal a woman's house. A Melbourne woman was arrested for offences for 109 times. | Australia | | 24092227 |
26134 | 26134 | 1912-05-11 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | Australian government is to build a new capital. Statistics of population in various states in Australia. Notice of Hu Hanming being appointed Guangdong governor. False money appears in Sydney. Thefts and robberies are increasing in Sydney. Gao Liang, a Chinese in Hobart, was robbed. A black youngster was hanged due to his raping a white girl. Donations to Sydney Hospital are increasing rapidly. Sydney Nationalist Association memebers hold farewell parties to Cai Chang, Xian Junhao, and Chen Lin, who are returning to China. | Australia | | 24092235 |
26166 | 26166 | 1912-05-18 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | Australia should build more airships for national defence as the importance of them has shown in the British military exercise. A thief in Sydney was sentenced to life penalty for his stealing properties with gun. A Chinese man in a ship from Changsa, China, was found suffering smallpox and all people in the ship were sent to a Sydney hospital for examination and treatment. Fifteen Chinese were arrested for gambling in Sydney. A Chinese shop in Preston was found dealing opium. Li Yi was arrested in Sydney for his selling gambling bills to a detective. An European architect thanks for Chinese's concerns on his building destroyed by wind. | Australia | | 24092243 |
26193 | 26193 | 1912-05-25 | 7 | a-b | Australia news | Qun Ho Nau (nnn), previous chief commander of British navy, is to be chief commander of Australian navy. The warehouse of Sydney Station are stolen repeatedly these days. A few illegal Chinese immigrants were found in a ship from Hongkong in Sydney. A few gamblers of different nationalities were fined heavily in Perth. An European youngster committed suicide in Sydney strait. An European woman's wallet was stolen in a bar in Sydney. More thefts are reported in Sydney trains. | Australia | | 24092251 |
26231 | 26231 | 1912-06-01 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | Australia is to build a navy institute. Australia finds it hard to ban opium as it has long coastline. A church in Sydney is praying for God to rain as it is a draught presently. A Chinese named Ya Guang was killed by two Europeans in Perth. An old well with a history of 1, 800 years was found in Sydney. Smallpox patient is found in a Japanese ship in Townsville. A Chinese was found suffering infectious disease in a Chinese ship in Sydney. An accident of exploding hills for road building killed five people in Wollongong. A military exercise is held in Australia for celebrating British emperor's birthday. Two Chinese illegally enter Australia were found in west Australia. An Australian pilot and American pilot are to have an airships contest in Sydney. The Chinese ship that was found smallpox was free now as everyone in the ship was safe. The cook in a Chinese ship, who had suffered infectious disease, died. | Australia | | 24092259 |
26267 | 26267 | 1912-06-08 | 7 | a-b | Australian news | Draught in New South Wales has led to widespread worries. A soldier was punished for his smoking at military exercise for celebrating British emperor's birthday. Two Indian criminals were sentenced to death for their killing a man in Fiji. The Japanese ship with its smallpox patient cured was released. A station warehouse in New South Wales was stolen. A printing company in Sydney was burned resulting in huge loss. A group of scandals fought with policemen with 6,000 people watching in a Sydney circus. A Melbourne woman was arrested for killing her child. Statistics of wine consumption in Victoria. An European couple in Sydney attempted to divorce due to misunderstanding. | Australia | | 24092267 |
27635 | 27635 | 1913-07-19 | 7 | b | Sydney authority punishes two captains for the escape of their Chinese sailors. | Australia | | 24092756 | |
27661 | 27661 | 1913-07-26 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Sydney and the Chinese consul-general protest the immoral medical check on Chinese passengers. Two Chinese are murdered in Darwin and the trial on the suspects. A fire in Sydney destroys a shoe factory. Opium found in the captain's chamber on the St Albans. Some mad religious followers in Sydney. A Melbourne woman prays in naked. A man in North Sydney is charged with murder. | Australia | | 24092764 | |
27754 | 27754 | 1913-08-16 | 7 | a-b | Australian news/ A notice issued by the acting Chinese consul-general in Melbourne Mai Xixiang (William Ah Ket) to employ some Chinese labourers on behalf of white employers. An illegal Chinese immigrant is detained in Williamstown, Melbourne, and brought to trial. Australia exports meat to Britain and Germany. A sea lion is captured in Queensland. Smallpox vaccination in Sydney and the report. Two Polish immigrants in Sydney, father and son (who is also son-in-law of Chinese Luo Yousheng), shoot each other and the father dead, A returned Chinese is brought to a Sydney court for fake certificate. A young man is on trial for murdering his girlfriend. Doctors in Cooktown, Queensland, continue to undertake naked examination on all Chinese arrivals. Introduce pump sold by J. N. Anderson & Co, 228 Clarence Street, Sydney. | Australia | | 24092788 | |
27838 | 27838 | 1913-09-06 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ British parliamentarians come to visit Australia and arrive Sydney. A Sydney man is charged with sexual harassment. Sydney Zoo has just got some pythons from Queensland. A Chinese businessman Yang An is brought to trial for smuggling. A Chinese fruit peddler in Melbourne is injured by several white men. New warships, Australia and Sydney, ordered by Australian government from Britain, are to join the service. A postman in Perth commits suicide for debt. Smallpox in Sydney. Coloured people are not allowed to practise medicine on Australian and British liners. | Australia | | 24092812 | |
27868 | 27868 | 1913-09-13 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Queensland authority issues new restriction on Chinese sugarcane growers. Sydney customs seize smuggled opium. Chinese opium smoker is penalised in Sydney. Local parliamentarian in New South Wales oppose to the bail out of a Chinese convict. Australia has new merchant ship. New South Wales authority inspects Chinese gambling. | Australia | | 24092820 | |
29166 | 29166 | 1914-08-15 | 7 | a | Australia news/ Fewer merchant ships are arriving in Australia due to the war in Europe. Many young Australians are recruited. Australian federal government commandeer ships in Sydney. Passenger liner St Albans of Gibbs Bright & Co, is stuck in Townsville, Queensland, on its way from Sydney to Hong Kong. German warships in Samoa island. | Australia | | 24093215 | |
29529 | 29529 | 1915-01-02 | 7 | a-c | Australia news/ Sydney China's School have made a great progress these years. Statistics of qualified soldiers in various states in Australia. Statistics show that Sydney business is declining due to the affects of European War. House of Yuan Mei, a Chinese in Sydney is stolen. Bat Hurst is flooding due to heavy rain there. | Australia | | 24094675 | |
29557 | 29557 | 1915-01-09 | 7 | a-c | Australia news/Chinese counsellor in Australia notifies that Chinese businessmen must provide sufficient official documents to come to Australia. Some 10 dollar bad money are found in Melbourne. A Chinese in Buthurst is found illegally dealing cigarettes. Australia government apologises for soldiers disturbing China Town in Melbourne. Some details of soldiers disturbing China Town in Melbourne. All income must be taxed in New South Wales. Chinese are using the new calender but most of them are still following the old calender. | Australia | | 24094683 | |
29585 | 29585 | 1915-01-16 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Australia government allows newspapers enter Australia from China due to Chinese counseller's negotiation with Australian government. French troops won a victory over Russian troops. Australian envoy is to go to Egypt through Britain. Ships of enemy nations are confiscated by Australian government. Long Yi, a Chinese in Sydney fell down from a horse and is wounded. An European woman in Sydney gives birth to three babies. An European boy in Sydney swallowed a coin and died. | Australia | | 24094691 | |
29622 | 29622 | 1915-01-23 | 7 | a-b | Chinese General Counsel notifies that no mail should be brought in according to the military law due to the European War. Australian troop fighting in a German-owned island return to Sydney. German officials captured by Australian troop are allowed to return home through Sydney. Australian coal is sold to Mexico. Sydney shops find some false gold coins. Shi Kuan (ppp) in New South Wales is stricken by a big hail. | Australia | | 24094699 | |
29648 | 29648 | 1915-01-30 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/Australian warship has sunken a German trading ship. A Chinese in Bendigo is charged for illegally owning gold sand. More immigrants come to Sydney. Byron, a Sydney jewellrey dealer finds his his valued property lost in Sydney trim . | Australia | | 24094707 | |
29676 | 29676 | 1915-02-06 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/Germany government does not send Australian people to the camp. Colour-skinned children are not allowed to go to school in Bei Na Da (ppp). Huang Yinzhao killed Liu Bao in Da Bu (ppp), New South Wales. Huang Ji, an old Chinese in Townsville, is dying in hospital from a violent robbery. Thieves steal money from houses of Tian Chen, Li Yuhua, and Huang Zi in New South Wales. Cornell in south Australia is suffering bad draught. Australian government treats Kenya people, | Australia | | 24094715 | |
29702 | 29702 | 1915-02-13 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/A reply letter of Guangdong governor to Chinese counsellor in Australia on crime issues in Guangdong. Aboriginal population is declining due to white people's policy. A French and an Italian seamen in Sydney are severely punished for dealing illegal immigration. The case of Huang Yianzhao killing Liu Yunbo in New South Wales is being convicted. An European man is arrested for suspect of killing Huang Ji in Sydney. | Australia | | 24094723 | |
29758 | 29758 | 1915-03-13 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Ceng Yunpu, the general counsellor in Australia is to be counsellor of Fiji as well. Yuhe, a Chinese in Sydney was killed by robbers. Some 100 military doctors are to be enrolled in Australia for European War. Australian soldiers in Egypt are suffering flu and pneumonia. Seven Australian soldiers in Egypt were killed in climbing pyramid. Yong Qing and Ya Yang, father and son, are killed in Fiji. Pu Qing's house in Sydney is burnt due to his carelessness. Ceremony of China's Business and Trade Association in Sydney. Strong wind in But Hurst causing some loss. | Australia | | 24094772 | |
29793 | 29793 | 1915-03-20 | 7 | a | Australia news/ An European man Wu Dan Lou (nnn) aged 100 years old died in Sydney. A soldier in Sydney is charged for his swear after being drunk. Greek consul in Melbourne notifies that all previous Greek soldiers in Victoria to register. Australian government is to provide relief funds for poor people from the enemy countries. | Australia | | 24094780 | |
29827 | 29827 | 1915-03-27 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Li Sheng, a Chinese in Sydney stabbed a police on street and was arrested. A number of smuggled opium is found in Sydney port. New regulations of public transport in Sydney. Statistics of new currency issued by the commonwealth government. | Australia | | 24094788 | |
29867 | 29867 | 1915-04-03 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/A package of paper currency is stolen in the train. Big water melons are to exihbited in Sydney. Agriculture Exihbition is opened in Sydney. Australia invents a new kind of machine gun. A good rain in New South Wales releases the draught there. | Australia | | 24094796 | |
29909 | 29909 | 1915-04-10 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/The man who killed Huang Ji in Sydney is sentence for 12 years in Prison. Income of trims in Sydney declines due to bad weather. Japan tries to sell more goods in Australia. A Chinese is arrested for illegally selling opium. | Australia | | 24094804 | |
29942 | 29942 | 1915-04-17 | 7 | a-b | The consul general in Australia writes a letter to China's Business and Trade Association in New South Wales on issue of public loans in China. | Australia | | 24094812 | |
29943 | 29943 | 1915-04-17 | 7 | b | Australia news/ Many bad money are found in Sydney. Liu Geng, a Chinese in Sydney escaped from a robbery. Susan Ya Xian and George Ya Xian, two Chinese doctors are allowed to stay in Australia as they were born in New South Wales. A man in Sydney is fined for pointing guns at passengers on street. A man is hanged for killing a 12-year old girl in Fu Li Wen Dou (ppp). | Australia | | 24094812 | |
29968 | 29968 | 1915-04-24 | 7 | a-c | Notice of consul general in Australia for selling public loans of China. Chinese people in Sydney are buying China's public loans. A train from Melbourne to Sydney crashed into a post-bus resulting many injuries. Unknown reasons for a Chinese woman and an European man's death in Sydney. | Australia | | 24094820 | |
29998 | 29998 | 1915-05-01 | 7 | a | Australia news/ Australian Bank in New South Wales finds a large number of money missing. Speech of China's Buissness and Trade Association in Sydney. Chinese in Bendigo are enthusiastic in buying Chinese public loans. Case of an European man committing suicide and a Chinese girl being murdered. Chinese in Melbourne are competing to buy Chinese public loans, names listed. | Australia | | 24094828 | |
30028 | 30028 | 1915-05-08 | 7 | a-c | Australia news/ Details of China's Business and Trade Association in Sydney dealing with issues of public loans selling in Australia. Letter of Foreign Affairs Ministry and Finance Ministry to Council General in Australia on public loans issue. Provisions of four-year plan of public loans by China's Business and Trade Association. Name list of Melbourne Chinese buying public loans. Sydney imports are decreasing this year. A Chinese doctor Li Shiwei commits suicide and his money is found by the police. Case of the Chinese Ding Sheng injuring a police in Sydney. | Australia | | 24094836 | |
30059 | 30059 | 1915-05-15 | 7 | a-b | Two Europeans who robbed Ya Sheng and Shi He, two Chinese in Sydney , are convicted guilty at court. Guangsheng Company, a Chinese shop in New South Wales caught a fire. Statistics of Australia military funds. British people regards Australian troops as the best in the world. Ya Li, a Chinese barber was beaten to death in Sydney. | Australia | | 24094844 | |
30083 | 30083 | 1915-05-22 | 7 | a-b | Australian news/ Notices of Chinese government, Foreign Ministry to all Chinese overseas and at home on issues of Japan's ruthless demands and activities. Chinese in Brisbane buy public loans of China, names listed. Statistics of Australian and New Zealand Asoldiers died and wounded in the Europe War. A German man in New South Wales is charged for his blaming British people. | Australia | | 24094852 | |
30105 | 30105 | 1915-05-29 | 7 | a | Australia news/People in Sydney competes to donate for refugees in Belgium which is occupied by Germany. General of Australian Far-East troop passes away during trip to Egypt. Funeral of Bu Li Zhi ( nnn), General of Australian Far-East troops. | Australia | | 24094860 | |
30134 | 30134 | 1915-06-05 | 7 | a-b | Australia has enrolled over 80,000 soldiers. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. Ya Qu, a Chinese was murdered in Sydney and four suspects were arrested. Details of the murder case of the Chinese Ya Qu. A Chinese seaman was drawn during fishing. | Australia | | 24094868 | |
30160 | 30160 | 1915-06-13 | 7 | a | Australian news/ Chinese consul general notifies all Chinese in Australia to purchase passports as British government requires. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. Twelve illegal immigrants are found in a ship in Brisbane. A German man commits suicide after having killed his wife and children in South Australia. A comet appears in Perth. A British company in Sydney, allegedly believed to be run by German people, is suffered from loss as Chinese refuse to buy goods from it. | Australia | |||
30190 | 30190 | 1915-06-19 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Australia is to issue more paper money. Japan is to set up banks in Sydney. A doctor in Sydney fainted due to his pneumonia. Sydney is to hire woman police. Three murderers in Ya Qu's case are under investigation. People in Newcastle hold a parade for collecting funds for Belgium refugees. Thanks to Chinese contributing to the parade of rescuing Belgium refugees. | Australia | | 24094884 | |
30217 | 30217 | 1915-06-26 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Overseas Chinese in Melbourne buy public loans of China, names listed. A laywer at court in Sydney speaks ill of China. Wu Hongpei, chief editor of News of the Republic, leaves Australia.Three Chinese are fined a hundred pounds respectively for smuggling illegal immigrants. The case of Ya Qu's murder is still going on. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. | Australia | | 24094892 | |
30238 | 30238 | 1915-07-03 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Australian Defense Minister expresses his concerns on current war situation and praises support of Australian people and soldiers in the war. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the war. A Japanese training warship comes to Sydney. | Australia | | 24094900 | |
30262 | 30262 | 1915-07-10 | 7 | b | Australia news/Australian Defense Ministry decides to get the sunken German warship out of sea. Australian government designates donation dates for injured soldiers. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the war. | Australia | | 24094908 | |
30290 | 30290 | 1915-07-17 | 7 | b | Letter of consul general in Australia to China's Business and Trade Association on issue of public loans. | Australia | | 24094916 | |
30291 | 30291 | 1915-07-17 | 7 | b-c | Australia news/Hong Kong Tung Wah Hospital calls for donations for Guangdong floods. Regulations of recruiting soldiers in New South Wales. Agriculture Exhibition is to be held for collecting money in Australia Day for wounded soldiers. Ya Rui, a Chinese in Sydney, is released after being charged as illegal immigrant. | Australia | | 24094916 | |
30315 | 30315 | 1915-07-24 | 7 | a-b | Australian news/ A branch organisation of China's Trade and Business Association is established in Bendigo, Victoria. China's Trade and Business Association in Australia works on relieving Guangdong floods. Tongwan people from Guangdong in Sydney are competing to donate for Guangdong floods. Australian foreign ministry announces that Swaziland joining the Europe War is not true. Portland entreats Australian people donate to relieve its difficulties. … | Australia | | 24094924 | |
30329 | 30329 | 1915-07-31 | 7 | a | Australia news/ Notice of China's Trade and Business Association in Sydney on donations for Australian Injured Soldiers' funds, names listed. Overseas Chinese in Sydney are competing to donate for Guangdong floods. Statistics show that banks in New South Wales are making good progress on deposits. Statistics of sugar products in Queensland. | Australia | | 24094932 | |
30351 | 30351 | 1915-08-07 | 7 | a | Australia news/ Notice of consul general in Australia on issuing public loans of China. Statistics of donations on Australia Day for injured soldiers. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. Two people dealing opium in Sydney are fined. A 25-year old European man killed his father during parents' querrelling. | Australia | | 24094940 | |
30370 | 30370 | 1915-08-14 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ China's Trade and Business Association in Sydney holds a meeting on donations for Guangdong floods. A Philippine man murders his fellow-man in Po Da Yun (ppp). An European man in Sydney died of choking due to coal heating. A miner in New South Wales is killed falling down in the mine. Two hundred of Ta Juan Ren (ppp) immigrants arrive in Po Da Yun (ppp). An European doctor donates for Guangdong floods. | Australia | | 24094950 | |
30388 | 30388 | 1915-08-21 | 7 | a-b | Australian news/ Notice of Australian general procurator on filling in investigation forms by all people in Australia for the war purpose. The content of Warring Investigation Form. | Australia | | 24094958 | |
30414 | 30414 | 1915-08-28 | 7 | a | Notice of Chinese counsil general in New Zealand notifies that all Chinese should abide by law of New Zealand and not bring too much money out of New Zealand. | Australia | | 24094966 | |
30415 | 30415 | 1915-08-28 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/Chinese institutions and individuals in Australia are competing to donate for Guangdong floods. A German in New South Wales was fined a hundred pounds for celebrating He Sou (ppp) city being occupied by German troops in Europe War. News from Canada confirms that Yuan Shikai wants to be an emperor and plans to restore imperial system in China. Notice of Australian general procurator on investigating individual's properties in Australia for the Europe War purpose. | Australia | | 24094966 | |
30434 | 30434 | 1915-09-04 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/Notice of Australian general procurator on investigating animals raised by people for the Europe War purpose. Statistics of soldier to be enrolled in various states in Australia. An Australian made destroyer enters the sea to serve the navy in Sydney. A woman from Newcastle is found suffering small pots. People in Freemantle in South Australia celebrate Ally's victory in Li Jia (ppp) strait and destroy German people's properties. | Australia | | 24094974 | |
30460 | 30460 | 1915-09-11 | 7 | a | Chinese council general in Australia notifies that all Chinese newspapers with a few exceptions are allowed to enter into Australia now. | Australia | | 24094982 | |
30461 | 30461 | 1915-09-11 | 7 | a | Notice of Chinese council general in Australia to China's Business and Trade Association in Sydney on helping Chinese people filling investigation forms required by Australian general prosecutor. | Australia | | 24094982 | |
30462 | 30462 | 1915-09-11 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/Chinese in Australia are competing to donate for Guangdong floods. Notice of China's Business and Trade Association in Victoria and New South Wales to thank donators. A Chinese woman in Sydney wants to divorce her husband because the latter married another woman in China during his trip to China. The European man who killed his father is sentenced to six months in jail. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. Australia has a strong financial capability and provides huge funding for Europe War. | Australia | | 24094982 | |
30482 | 30482 | 1915-09-18 | 7 | a | Australia news/ Australian general prosecutor decides to extend the deadline for people handing in property and individual investigation forms. An European gentleman in Wanly (ppp) is arrested by policemen by mistakes as neighbours report that he and his man broke into a private house. Sydney court convicts that the Chinese woman divorces her husband who married another woman in China. Twenty nine Chinese are arrested in Sydney for gambling. | Australia | | 24094990 | |
30513 | 30513 | 1915-09-25 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Thanks letter from Guangdong government for donations by Chinese in Australia. Zhang Mingqi's reply letter to Chinese council general in Australia on bandits in Guangdong looting and kidnapping Ye Jingliang, brother of president of China's Business and Trade Association in Sydney. A Chinese shop in Townsville is burnt, resulting in heavy loss. A lady's fur scarf is found in the Japanese training warship visiting Australia, and the loser is not yet found. An Australian passenger ship is damaged by an oil transporting ship in Hong Kong and is under repair in Macao. Australia is to implement compulsory military enrolment system due to intensified Europe War. | Australia | | 24094998 | |
30538 | 30538 | 1915-10-02 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Chinese people in Australia are to hold celebrating ceremonies for Confucius' birthday. A new warship made in Australia is to join the navy in Sydney. A British man in Sydney commits suicide due to his fear of joining the army. Ya Ji, a Chinese in Sydney, is fined for his opening an opium-taking shop. Jin Mao, a Chinese in Sydney, charges Liu Lian, another Chinese, for making rumours on his informing police about Chinese gambling. Australian Audit Official notifies that any one not filling in investigation forms properly is to be fined. The banks in New South Wales raise deposit interests. A number of people are found suffering small pox in Newcastle. | Australia | | 24095006 | |
30563 | 30563 | 1915-10-09 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ Chinese consul general in Australia issues Regulations of Protecting Overseas Chinese Returning to Guangdong by Guangdong government. Statistics of Australian soldiers killed and wounded in the Europe War. Ji Li, a Chinese in Preston, is looted at home for the second time. A Chinese vegetable farm named Sheng He in Qin Dun (ppp) is stolen. A jewellery shop in Sydney is stolen, suffering heavy loss. Chinese in Sydney organised by China's Business and Trade Association hold big celebration ceremony for Confucius's birthday. | Australia | | 24095014 | |
30582 | 30582 | 1915-10-16 | 7 | a-b | Australia news/ British Military Ministry orders Australia enrol more soldiers for the war. Statistics of Australian troops in the Europe War. A ship from Britain is found smuggling opium to Sydney. Ya Qi, a Chinese in Sydney, charges his fellows beating him. Mo He, a Chinese in Sydney, was injured during driving a wagon. Australian government issues new tax forms for people to fill in. Chinese people in Australia donates to Guangdong floods, with names listed. | Australia | | 24095022 |
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